In every garden, there are good seedlings and there are bad seedlings. Do you know how to determine if a seedling is good or bad? Let me help you figure it out by about some example seedlings …
The Most Dangerous Thing a Gardener Can Do
What is the most dangerous thing a gardener can do? The most dangerous thing a gardener can do is get all cleaned up, put on clothes meant for going out in public, then walk out to the garden for …
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It’s the Soil!
The root of most problems in a garden can usually be found in the soil of the garden. Good soil, good garden. Poor soil, poor garden. And by garden, of course I mean plants. If you have …
Buying Plants and Buying Books
I cannot take credit for this idea. You've no doubt seen variations of it all over the internet. "You didn't buy a (fill in the blank) today! Good job! Your reward is you can buy a (fill in the …
More Proof Gardening Makes You Feel Younger
Gardening makes you feel younger and there's proof in your laundry room. If you are gardening nearly every day, like I try to do during the growing season, you'll end up with a pile of laundry, …
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That Coleus I Grew From Seed
I grew a new coleus, Coleus 'Premium Sun Coral Candy' from seeds sent to me by All-America Selections. This is one of their 2023 ornamental seed winners. It's a good one! They sent me seeds in …