Some of the plants in my garden are, shall we say, poorly behaved, actually thuggish in some cases. I wonder at times why I haven’t pulled them out by their roots and tossed them to their greater …
The Society Meets: Anticipating the End Of Spring, Start Of Summer
Greetings to all members of the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, Lore, and Superstition (SPPOTGWLS or “the Society”) I, your self-appointed Society president …
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Upon Close Inspection: Tomato Blossoms
Upon close inspection, I find that not all tomato blossoms are the same. In this collage, the top blossom will one day be a ‘Reisetomate’ tomato, a very odd tomato that looks like a bunch of little …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2010
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for June 2010. It seems like June is a month when gardeners from all hardiness zones begin to have more plants blooming in common, though we sometimes grow those …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners: June 14, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, Greetings! As I write this letter, I smell the distinctive, strong scent of my night bloomer, Epiphyllum oxypetalum, which bloomed this …
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You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Rock Edition
You might be a gardening geek who likes rocks in your garden if… When your shovel hits a big rock in the ground, you immediately get out other tools to gently pry the rock out so you don’t …
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