I have two varieties of betony, Stachys officinalis, in my garden. There is 'Hummelo', which has finished blooming now, or pretty much so. Then there is 'Nana', growing in a little miniature garden …
Dear Friends and Gardeners: June 28, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, The report from my garden this week is rather brief. Plants grew in between all the rain we had last week. I have lost count of how many …
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New Page: Five Secrets To Achieving Happiness In Your Garden
Blog posts are sometimes like the blooms of a flower, here today, gone tomorrow, replaced by another post. Perhaps the blog post is remembered, or perhaps it is best forgotten, almost …
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Morning In The Garden
Morning in the garden... The light is softer. The air is cooler. The garden smells different. It looks diferent. It is filled with sounds and blooms that you don't hear or see later in the …
Wildflower Wednesday: Monarda
Monarda ‘Petite Delight’ has a few things to get off her petals. Management at May Dreams Gardens is not responsible for nor necessarily agrees with the statements and opinions of this plant. “Hello… …
Porch Chat: Five Pictures From My Garden
This evening was a good evening for a porch chat, once I sprayed myself with some mosquito repellant (all herbal) and walked around the garden for a bit, tending to one thing and then another in a …
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