Tulipa humilis 'Magenta Queen' I like to name my gardens. I don't like to force the names. I wait for the names to come to me. The overall name of my gardens is May Dreams Gardens. Repeat after …
Garden Design Update: Planting vs. Plopping
August Dreams Garden border, newly planted We were sitting at my kitchen table a few weeks ago, the garden designer, the hort-enabler and I, going over the plant lists for the groundcover garden, the …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2011
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for April 2011. Here in my central Indiana, USDA Hardiness Zone 5b, garden, April is like a reunion of flowers. Since the last Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day in …
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The Gardener and the Mighty Dandelion
There in the garden, the wild dandelion was trapped, cornered, easy prey for the gardener, who swooped down upon it and with her bare hands pulled it out of the rain-softened earth. She was …
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Rabbits Watching Over The Garden: A Garden Design Update
The rabbit watches over the placement of plants for a ground cover garden around the locust tree. Up by the patio, this garden will be calm, serene, a sea of greens to rest my weary eyes on after a …
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Horticultural Existentialism
Does a plant exist any less if the gardener doesn't remember buying it or planting it, and can not even name it other than to say, "Pretty orange tulips and those look like daffodils with no …