The garden is bare now, except for the weeds left from a season that silently, softly slipped away. With fall days that felt more like summer, the only sure sign that this was the end of the …
Memory Gardens
The last violet of the season I spent some time cleaning up the vegetable garden earlier today. A slight breeze rustled through the last of the corn stalks as fallen leaves from the nearby grape vine …
Personal Assistant for a Gardener
I am thrilled to announce that I have hired a new personal assistant - Miss J. Hortaway. Miss Hortaway will help me organize the list of bulbs I just planted, so I can easily determine the names of …
Bulbs, in the generic sense
I finished planting bulbs today, in the generic sense, meaning that I planted bulbs, corms and tubers for spring flowers. Some gardeners, both new and experienced, take great delight in correcting …
Guest Post: Garden Fairies Explain Fall Leaf Color
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are doing this special guest post to explain fall foliage color. Many gardeners, as we call people who come out into our gardens and plant, prune, …
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Hoes, everywhere
I did a bit of traveling last week for work and found myself in a Cracker Barrel where much of the decor included old gardening tools. Hoes, shovels, rakes, grass trimmers, even an old …