"How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew!" Ralph Waldo Emerson Bring on the roses, violets, and morning dew, it's time for …
Scarlet Sage
I received some unexpected mail yesterday, a manila envelope from an aunt. Inside the envelope was a copy of a letter my Aunt Marjorie wrote in 2004 with memories of her father, and in …
More Gardening Points from 1901
The observant reader may have noticed that in my previous blog post, where I outlined the points listed in "The Book of Old-Fashioned Flowers and Other Plants Which Thrive in the Open-Air of England …
Points: On Gardening in 1901
Points from The Book of Old-Fashioned Flowers and Other Plants Which Thrive in the Open-Air of England by Harry Roberts With Numerous Illustrations Reproduced from Drawings by Ethel …
Diving down a rabbit hole of old-fashioned flowers
Welcome to my new rabbit hole, The Book of Old-Fashioned Flowers and Other Plants Which Thrive in the Open Air of England by Harry Roberts. With numerous illustrations reproduced from drawings by …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2012
Helleborus niger 'Josef Lemper' Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for January 2012. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 5B garden in central Indiana, winter finally arrived last week after ten plus …
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