"Over and above fostering equanimity, the cultivation of a garden promotes the tenderer graces and extends the sweet charities of life." In other words, gardeners are generally, calm, nice, and …
How to Space Plants in a Garden
I wonder a bit how it is that until last Friday, the 20th, I had never heard of Alfred Austin or his book, The Garden that I Love. How did my garden designer decide on that book to leave for …
Back Tracking in the Rabbit Hole
I am still down in this rabbit hole chasing after ideas and quotes in "The Garden that I Love" by Alfred Austin (1894). You can imagine this rabbit hole in any way that suits you. Maybe you think of …
A Season to Make Experiments
Obligatory Garden Picture A quote that I love from the book that I love titled The Garden that I Love... "What would be the good or the pleasure of a garden if one did not make experiments?" (Alfred …
My Garden Has Moved
Plopper's Field, now in a zone 6a garden My garden has moved... sort of. When the new USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map came out earlier today, I dutifully entered my zip code and discovered, as I …
The Garden that I Love
The universe, aided by my garden designer, gently pushed me toward a new rabbit hole. After skirting around it through a busy weekend, I've finally fallen in. I got my first glimpse of this …