Look closely to see the garden fairies disguised as dandelions I never realized when I ordered All in a Garden Fair by Alice T. A. Quackenbush (A. T. De Le Mare Company, Inc., 1925) that I would …
Round every flower there gleams a glory
"Round every flower there gleams a glory, Bequested by antique song or story; To each old legends give a name, And its peculiar charm proclaim." I will never think of dandelions in the same way now …
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When a gardener goes downtown
When a gardener goes downtown and the downtown is Indianapolis, and it is the weekend of the Super Bowl, she expects to see a crowd. She easily finds those crowds, everywhere she walks. She …
“The Breath of the Garden”
Roses - the quintessential scented flower Why? Why do I read these old gardening books like "All in a Garden Fair" by Alice T. A. Quackenbush and "The Garden that I Love" by Alfred Austin? Why? …
Pixies in Tulips
I'm not sure how it happened. I was searching for information about gardening books and came across a reference to a book by Mrs. Alice T. A. Quackenbush. In the book's introduction, Helen Morgantheu …
I survived January
January. Where for wert thou, January? Where were your blowing winds and frigidly cold temperatures? Where was your snow, your ice, your sleet? What was that all about, January? Sunny days, …