The day I went out to plant peas, I realized the vegetable garden was filled with blooming purple deadnettle and not quite ready for planting. I got the bright idea to use a weed-whacker to at …
Gardening at the speed of contemplation
What is the best speed at which to garden? Too slow, and nothing gets done. Too fast, and the gardener ends up exhausted. Just right, and the garden looks good and the gardener is happy. This …
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MDG Home and Tea Room for Antiquarian Gardening Books
Two violets talking in the garden. Management here at the May Dreams Gardens Home and Tea Room for Antiquarian Garden Books (MDGHTRAGB) has decreed that no more old gardening books will be admitted …
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Guest Post: Garden Fairies on the Veg Garden Makeover
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we notice things that go on in this garden called May Dreams Gardens. Yes, we do. Not one thing goes on in this garden that we garden fairies don't find …
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You Can Grow That! Oso Easy® Cherry Pie Rose
Rosa 'Meiboulka' bloom Ladies and gentleman, gardeners young and old, rose lovers and rose haters, step right this way to see The Incredible Growing Rose. Never in your gardening years have you seen …
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Tulipa ‘Lady Jane’
Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane' open If the stars came down from heaven to become flowers in a garden, I think they might become Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane'. Sunday afternoon, when the sun came out …