"Whatcha doing, Dad?" Planting some peas and onion sets. "Can I help?" Sure, just let me finish tilling up the garden. "Can I make the row?" Sure, make it right over here by the fence. "How long …
Ridgewood Avenue
Come walk with me down Ridgewood Avenue. Enter in the shade and exit in the sun by the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. Walk slowly now. On the left is August Dreams Garden which will be in peak bloom …
Verdant Views
Verdant, adjective: (of countryside) Green with grass or other rich vegetation. Of the bright green color of lush grass. A few pictures of verdant views of the garden in spring, taken a few …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2012
Tulipa batalinii 'Apricot Jewel' Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for April 2012. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden, it's crazy, it's mixed up. It's different. It's early. These blooms …
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You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Laundry Edition
Rain makes the garden green You might be a gardening geek doing laundry if... You divide your laundry up into loads of lights, darks, and gardening before you wash it. Bonus points if the …
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Act your month!
Grape leaves after two nights of frost. When March didn't act like March and instead put on a darn good impersonation of May, we were all giddy and happy and clapped our hands together to show our …