I will remain vigilant and alert as I look for the 15th secret to achieving happiness in your garden. Perhaps I will hear it in the faint whispers of the flowers? …
Achieving Happiness in the Garden: The Fourteenth Secret
I wasn't expecting to discover another secret to achieving happiness in the garden. I had already discovered a lucky thirteen of them over the course of time and figured that was it. Enough already. …
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Wildflower Wednesday: Indiana Seed
I went to a plant sale. I was looking for plants and garden sculptures. I didn't have any particular plants in mind to buy. I was just looking. I wouldn't have looked twice at the plants I ended …
Garden Party Crashers
Snow-in-Summer, Cerastium tomentosum My April garden party has been crashed by May blooms. They have rudely shown up early, like guests invited for supper who show up for lunch. They demand …
Garden Sculpture: Catch a Tiger by the Tail
I accomplished another goal for the garden redesign project today when I purchased some seven colorful tiger tails and three long leaves from Girly Steel to set up in the high summer garden called …
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Guest Post: Garden Fairies Discuss HUG Activities
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we want to discuss the HUG activity, the weeding, that has taken place this spring here at May Dreams Gardens. But first things first, we would like to …
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