Enjoy the view of 'Skyscraper Pink' salvia, a flower still blooming that I forgot to include in my latest bloom day post. I took this picture about a month ago but I assure you, this salvia still …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2023
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for October 2023. Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we had "a wee bit o' frost" a few mornings ago. It wasn't enough of a frost …
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Plastic Spades
"Again on Nature; take thy plastic spade,It is thy pencil: take thy seeds, thy plants,They are thy colours; and by these repayWith interest every charm she lent thy art." This was written by the …
Friday the 13th…
Happy Friday the 13th. Is it just me or does a Friday the 13th in October seem more, shall we say, ominous than a Friday the 13th in any other month? Back in the aughts I wrote some posts about …
My family sends me texts asking me plant questions. What is this plant? Where can I find this plant? Should I cut back this plant? When can you go with me to buy plants? Etc. And I …
The Squirrels Are Back
It's another mast year for the scarlet oak in the front garden. (Whenever I write "front garden" I feel pretty fancy!) And mast year? That just means it's a year when it has decided to produce …