Boltonia with garden sculpture Dear Membership Committee of the Society of Gardeners Aged 50 and Over (SGAFO), As a member in good standing and the president and founder of The Society of Gardeners …
Say Liriope Loudly and Proudly
Liriope muscari 'Variegata' I was delighted to see that the lilyturf, also known as monkey grass, which is really Liriope muscari 'Variegata', is blooming now. This tough as nails plant …
In this mess…
Raphanus sativus Did you know that the flowers of Raphanus sativus come in several colors, including in my garden, purple, white, and pink? I did not know that until I went out to the vegetable …
Guest Post: Garden Fairies Prepare for Rain
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are busy preparing for rain, lots of rain, to arrive here at May Dreams Gardens this weekend. The first task on our list to prepare for rain, lots …
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Speed weeding
Weeding at top speeds approaching more than 20 weeds a minute, I speed weeded my way through a large garden area called The Shrubbery. I did not stop to choose a special tool and dig up any weeds. I …
Early Fall is the New Spring
Early Fall is the New Spring. After three months of the hottest, driest days I've ever experienced as a gardener, we finally had some good rains a few weeks ago and everyone breathed a collective …