Who? Who? Who? Who is going to the Indiana Flower & Patio Show or your own local outdoor living - flower - garden show? 'Tis the season for various shows like this to pop up across the …
Dr. Hortfreud Assesses My Readiness for Spring
Hello, Carol Hi Dr. Hortfreud. I'm here for my Spring Readiness Assessment. Good. Let's begin. I'll ask you some simple questions and you give me the first answer you think of. …
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What is a gilliflower?
Gilliflowers What is a gilliflower? I did not know so I looked it up in Johnson's Gardeners' Dictionary, edited by J. Fraser, F.L.S., F.R.H.S. and A. Hemsley (London: George Routledge & …
Devotion to one or more groups of plants
Clematis 'Pagoda' "Specialising in a hobby of any kind greatly increases its interest, and in the culture of flowers it is desirable to devote oneself more especially to one or two groups of plants, …
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Reaching out to the great un-gardened
Tulips from last year We must be ready, at a moment's notice, to reach out to the great un-gardened. We must recognize when there is a spark of interest in gardening and growing plants in the great …
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Wildflower Wednesday: A plan for my lawn
I have a plan for my lawn. I have a plan to cultivate it as a cut meadow filled with various flowers, including some wildflowers, each with its own season. I started working on my plan a few …
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