Double tulips with grape hyacinths The sole purpose of this post is to share this picture with you. It is a picture of a chance encounter with a moment in time in my garden when I was there, …
And then it bloomed
My plan was to cut down the large Korean Spice Viburnum (Viburnum carlesii) on the right side of the gate. Then I would move the much smaller Korean Spice Viburnum on the left side of the gate to …
A few little attentions make for success in the garden
Lettuce and radishes are coming up in the veg. garden I've discovered "a few little attentions which make for success in the garden and minimize the sum of the season's work" hidden in an old …
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Women in the garden
'Lady Jane' tulips in bloom I find it interesting that in some old gardening books, the authors felt compelled to point out that women can indeed garden. J. B. Whiting wrote in his 1849 book, …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2013
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for April 2013. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden, spring is slowly arriving. How slow? I went back through all my bloom day posts for April, …
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When is it acceptable to plant in a straight line?
Peas in a veg. garden Dear Hortense Hoelove, I've been debating about when it is acceptable to plant in a straight line. Mostly I've been debating with myself so I thought I'd get another …
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