When a gardener visits Monticello. the home of Thomas Jefferson, she heads first to the vegetable garden and looks down the rows and rows of vegetables. She notes that according to the brochure, the …
Plopper’s Field
In Plopper's Field, the little fairy bower vine, Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata' weaves its way through the branches and stems of all the other plants. It's white and purple blooms seem to hang …
Random thoughts while gardening
Green beans Random thoughts while gardening... Time in a garden is measured by days and seasons, not by minutes and hours. ~~~~~~~~ I am morally opposed to tidy gardens. I have decided that a …
Three Golden RaspBerries
Every morning for the past three mornings, I've gone out to the garden in the first light of day and found three golden raspberries waiting for me. Each morning, I've picked and …
Two flowers showed up in a garden
Rising up above the foliage of the late blooming perennials of the August Dreams Garden border, two flowers showed up in the garden. The two blooms of Dense Blazing Star, Liatris spicata, looked as …
Garden Design: A Border for One Season
August Dreams Garden in mid-June One of the best decisions I made three years ago when I worked with a garden designer to lay out the garden borders was to plant one border with plants that bloom …
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