If you wonder why I buy and read old gardening books, I hope this passage from The Spirit of the Garden by Martha Brookes Hutcheson (1923) explains it. "Above all, let us have a sense of seclusion in …
The Little Garden series… reunited
The end of the story... I fell into a giant rabbit hole of old gardening books and when I finally found my way out, I brought with me, all the way from the 1920's, the nine books in The Little Garden …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2013
Double Tiger Lily 'Flora Pleno' Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for July 2013. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I rejoice this summer for all the rain and …
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Best Green Bean Year Ever
Do you know what we call a whole lot of green beans? We call it a "mess of beans" around here, as in "I just picked a mess of green beans, nearly five pounds worth". I also picked green beans last …
Waiting, anticipating, looking forward
I'm waiting. I'm anticipating. I'm looking forward. There are green tomatoes in the vegetable garden. I'm waiting for them to turn red. I'm anticipating the first big ripe tomato. I'm looking …
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Garden fairies discuss the lawn
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are once again compelled to post on this blog about what is happening here around May Dreams Gardens. Well, what is or was happening was that Carol …