Skip way down for some announcements... Is there something special we should do on the last day of the month? Back on November 1, I wrote how people used to say "Rabbit, Rabbit" before hopping …
String of Pearls
My string of pearls plant is growing nicely so I must be doing something right. To confirm that, I thought I'd look up some information about it and in doing so, I have discovered the most amazing, …
Snowdrop Watch
It's a good thing I didn't plan a big festival for late November to welcome the first snowdrops of the season. They are not to be found this year. Where they came up last year and bloomed at …
A Memory of Violets
My list of books featuring pansies, violets, or violas as part of the story now stands at... Two books. This past week I finished reading and listening to A Memory of Violets: A Novel of …
Always in Bloom
My weather has turned decidedly in the wintry direction. No snow yet, but it has been chilly. While I was out putting up Christmas lights, my neighbors came home and hollered out that their …
From Letters to My Dearest Garden to Elf Boots
If you use Instagram, you may have seen my letters to My Dearest Garden. I write one every few days or so in between posting a picture. So my grid looks like a checkerboard. Letter, picture, …
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