Pokeweed hiding in the raspberries I do my best thinking when I am on my knees in my garden, perhaps with my head stuck under the grape arbor, pulling out all manner of thistles, grasses, pokeweeds, …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2015
Ceanothus americanus Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for June 2015. If you came in person today to my USDA Hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we could sit in the garden and listen to …
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Education of a Gardener: When to scream and when to cuss
White clematis, a welcome vine in the garden Every gardener, at some point, should learn when it is appropriate to scream in the garden and when it is better to cuss. First, let's address the …
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This might qualify as a gardening miracle
Clematis 'Rooguchi', planted several years ago Here it is, just a week into June, and I've planted out every plant I bought this spring, plus the plants I received to trial, plus some plants I got to …
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The pleasure of growing vegetables
Life is good in my vegetable garden, duly named The Vegetable Garden Cathedral. In a few days, I'll be picking shelling peas and there are snow peas ready to pick now. Long-time readers, I mean from …
Foxglove – A sign of garden fairy activity in the garden
Digitalis grandiflora Dear Hortense, Do you have foxglove growing in your garden? I have large yellow-flowered foxglove, Digitalis grandiflora, growing in my garden. It's right in the middle …
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