Asters were also blooming in my garden 12 years ago I was looking through some old blog posts earlier today, digging down deep into the past when I reached the very first post on this blog, published …
Additions to the Garden of Southern Follies and Delights
In a couple of months, a couple little starts of Gardenia 'Sweet Tea™' are going to wake up on a snowy morning and realize they are not in the south any longer. They are in my Garden of Southern …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2016
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for September 2016. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the garden is on the verge of something big, a grand finale when the asters and …
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I left my garden for a week
I left my garden for a week, and when I got back, I went out at first light to see what happened while I was gone. Rain seems to have happened. Four inches of it, if you want to believe this …
List of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door
I believe I have the qualifications and experience to provide a list of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door to you. Now, don't spend too much time trying …
Mercy Pulling Time
When you "sedum" bees on the barely opening sedum flowers, you know it's time*. Let's not put it off. Don't wait. You know it's over. Yes, it is time for mercy pulling in the garden, as …