Hellebores, what would winter be without them? Dearest Garden Blog, I'm writing to offer my apologies for neglecting you for over a week. It was not my intention to leave you with no new updates for …
How I order seeds for my garden
Vegetables to enjoy in season I try to order most of my vegetable garden seeds in the middle of January. I've been ordering seeds for one garden or another since I was a teenager and took over …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2017
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for January 2017. Many people think of January as the beginning of another year of bloom day posts. Actually January is the end of a year of bloom day posts …
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Enga: Enemy of the Garden
The other day, I had a close up encounter with Enga, short for ENemy of the GArden. Enga a fat squirrel who hangs out around the bird feeders, trying to steal the peanuts I've been putting out for …
Garden fairies take umbrage
Patiently waiting for helleborus buds to open Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we take umbrage! We are beside ourselves after taking a look through this book that Carol is getting …
Happy New Year, Seventeen
The old rabbit, Sixteen, sat by the garden gate, watching for her replacement to show up, a new rabbit named Seventeen. While she sat and waited, she surveyed her garden and thought back over the …