I was at the greenhouse a few weeks ago and noticed a rogue pansy amidst a flat of 'Beaconsfield' pansies. Instead of picking out that one plant, I plucked the flower and showed it to the …
Seed Packet Poetry #2
Today's seed packet poetry is from a set of vintage seed packets, year unknown. I'd like to guess these packets are vintage 1950s but someone will likely say they are from the 1960s. I am …
Hello, Spring! And My Requests/Advice
Hello, Spring! I checked, and you aren't officially arriving until 11:20 p.m. EDT today, so there's time for me to give you some advice before then. But before I launch into my official advice, …
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Seed Packet Poetry
This morning, as I was sorting through some of my seed packets, I had the idea that one could, if one wanted to, use various snippets from the descriptions on the seed packets to write poems. This …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2024
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for March 2024. Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6b garden in central Indiana, spring is rapidly pushing winter out of the way. After several warm days, the …
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Where Is My List?
Now, where is that list of blog post ideas I wrote down? It was here somewhere. Well, never mind, because the first Glory of the Snow, Chionodoxa sp., showed up in the lawn on Monday. It's …