Some gardeners would probably like a GPS system to tell them exactly what to plant and where to plant it to reach their goal of having a nice garden. They would program their gardening goal into …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – February 2018
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for February 2018. If you've been following along since the beginning of this meme, you hopefully remember that it is February when we begin a new year of bloom …
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For Immediate Release: First Bloom of the Year
I am pleased to report that I spotted the first bloom of the year, a lovely crocus in the back lawn. Oh, and it has a buddy, too. Get it. BUDdy? This is not the earliest I've found a bloom in …
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The Mowing Lady
She hurried across the lawn, doing her best to not trip over her flowing white skirt. Oh, how she hated to be late for anything, especially when it was her turn to mow the lawn. When she reached the …
Garden Fairies Provide a Mid Winter Report
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have not posted for a little while because we are so busy we can barely keep up, what with the napping, and the snoozing, and the resting, and …
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Open the seed packet
"Open the seed packet". That's my motto for this year. Open the seed packet, sow those seeds, and enjoy whatever grows from them. Of course within reason. I don't want to grow weeds. But there …