Do you have your current issue of Country Gardens magazine nearby? Go get it! You didn't bury it in a stack of mail, did you? Or toss it on your nightstand where it promptly got buried under a tower …
I Might Have Crossed a Line
"You summoned me, Carol?" "Yes, Dr. Hortfreud, I did." "What's going on that you need me now, Carol?" "Well, Dr. Hortfreud, I think I've crossed a line." "Crossed a line? What do you mean by that, …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2018
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for March 2018. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we are in the ping-pong stage of changing seasons. After several days of remarkable …
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How to introduce a second book
I've been all over the internet looking for information on how to introduce your second book to your first book in such a way that the two will live in harmony. There are countless articles on …
Garden Fairies Sound an Alarm
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are on high alert. We are sounding an alarm. Why you, ask, are we on high alert? We are we sounding an alarm? Because there are red, orange, …
Killing is for weeds
I've never killed a plant I purposely planted in my garden. Sadly, sometimes those plants die on me, for either an inexplicable or explicable reason. I do cringe a little when the reason is …