And now it is time to tell my funny hoe story, the one I was going to tell at the last "Society" meeting before I ran out of time.I will attempt to keep it family friendly as though I am telling it to …
Basketball Season Has Begun And Our Thoughts Turn To Gardening
Basketball season has begun and our thoughts turn to gardening, as they always do.If a gardener is going to follow a sport, I've always suggested it should be basketball, especially pro basketball, as …
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A Gardener’s Guide to “Distance”
It’s once again time for a lesson on the language of gardeners.Today’s lesson is on the terms that experienced gardeners use for “distance” and what they really mean.We will begin with three terms …
Are You Ready?
Are you ready for the Halloween Hare to visit your garden?Did you set aside a few pieces of candy to appease him when he makes his midnight witching-hour call on your garden?What will he find? Or …
A Gardener’s Guide to “Time”
Given how quickly many gardeners learned and affirmed the gardener’s definitions for “quantities”, it is time to move on to how gardeners define “time”.So gather around all you new gardeners, here's …
A Gardener’s Guide to “Quantities”
I thought it might be helpful to provide a gardener’s guide to “quantities” to help new gardeners speak the language of gardeners with more confidence.Here are six ways gardeners describe “quantities” …