When a gardener orders pizza, she is delighted to find some of her favorite toppings on the menu -- Brassica oleracea, Solanum lycopersicum (which she used to know as Lycopersicum esculentum), and a …
The Hierarchy of Weeding and Plant Removal
As soon as a gardener declares an area to be a garden and plants that first plant, it is time to start weeding and removing plants that are not part of the garden plan. This is because a garden is not …
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Bounty in the Garden
What joy is ours when we go out to the garden to find bounty in it. It's why we grow vegetables, isn't it? And flowers, too, like this verbena that I let self sow all around my garden. It is bountiful …
We see it all in the Fall, and hear a new secret
We see it all in the Fall. There's a remnant of spring in the new yellow rose buds, a touch of summer in the white rose flower, and a bit of fall in the orange rosehips, all on the same branch of a …
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Bulb hoarding
As soon as I read the headline, a thousand thoughts went through my mind. Did I buy enough bulbs this spring for fall planting? People are hoarding bulbs. Why are they hoarding flower bulbs? Do …
When a gardener shops for furniture
When a gardener shops for furniture, her eye is drawn to the wood furniture with the carvings of leaf branches. She wonders what plant that might be and if it is botanically correct. After all, she …
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