I believe I have the qualifications and experience to provide a list of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door to you. Now, don't spend too much time trying …
Garden fairies step in to save this blog
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have stepped in at this time to save this blog from sure and certain extinction because a certain person seems to have become quite lax in providing …
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My Methods of Weed Control
The redbud in this picture is a weed. This has been a marvelous growing season for weeds, has it not? I feel like I can't turn my back on a flower border or vegetable garden bed for more than two …
Dear Southern Camellia Sisters
Dear Southern Camellia Sisters, Hello from the Midwest. We cannot believe it has been six months since we last wrote to give you an update on our adventures here in the Midwest. First, we need to …
Garden Caretakers and Garden Heros
Always good to see bees in the garden I start off every gardening season intent on being a good caretaker for my garden. I plan to deadhead spent blooms long before they cast their seeds about the …
Garden fairies note changes
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have decided to post on this blog at this unusual time, in the middle of the day, because there are certain events, changes, and goings-on here that …