Dear Hortense, It’s been so long since I’ve read any garden advice from you that I thought I’d write to tell you about my garden and try to entice you to visit and answer just a few questions. Oh, …
Dear Hortense: Do Garden Fairies Really Exist?
Dear Hortense Hoelove, Do garden fairies really exist? Yours truly, Thorn Goblinfly Dear Ms. Goblinfly, This feels like a trick question, the kind of trick question a garden fairy would ask. You …
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Dear Hortense: Spacing Plants in a Garden
Allium karatavienseDear Hortense Hoelove, How does the Pauli Exclusion Principle relate to gardening? Signed,Phil PhysicsDear Phil,I am so glad you didn’t ask “does the Pauli Exclusion Principle …
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Dear Hortense Hoelove: Horticultural Senility?
Tulipa humilis 'Eastern Star' Someone left a question for Hortense Hoelove on my Facebook page. Hortense has agreed to answer it. Dear Hortense Hoelove, "How does one overcome a persistent case of …
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Dear Hortense Hoelove: Flower and Garden Shows
Tulips blooming at the Indiana Flower & Patio Show Dear Hortense Hoelove, Should I attend my local flower or garden show? Sincerely, Tulip Lover Dear Tulip, Yes, you should go! Why do …
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Dear Hortense: Does A Watched Bud Ever Bloom?
Dear Hortense Hoelove, Does a watched Witch-Hazel ever bloom? Signed, Hazel Watching in Indiana Dear Hazel, If you are referring to the Vernal or Ozark Witch-Hazel, Hamamelis vernalis, I have …
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