“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” – Elizabeth Lawrence
As I think of my own garden, I believe that I did not have flowers outside in December, but have had and will have flowers outside every other month, if I’m allowed to count the two little crocus buds that showed themselves in late January. And if I had planted pansies in the fall, I probably would still have had some of them blooming in December.
My November flowers were probably just leftover blooms from October, but they were still there in November, so I believe I also had blooms that month. For February, I may have some snow drops and once the snow melts, I should see a few more crocuses in bloom. Every other month, I no doubt have flowers to count.
I am convinced that if I do a little more planning, I can have some flowers outside nearly every month of the year, if not every month of the year in my zone 5 garden.
What about in your garden? If you are south of me, I know you can have flowers every month of the year. And if you are north of my zone 5 garden, I suspect you might struggle a bit with the winter months, but that’s why we have indoor plants, right?
I’d like to share each month what is blooming in my garden and also see what others, north and south of me, have blooming at the same time. I know everyone posts all through the growing season as each new flowers presents itself, but what if we all posted a “bloom list” on the same day each month? Then we could really see differences and similarities in our gardens, both in what we can grow and in when plants bloom.
With that in mind, I’m designating the 15th of the month as the day I will survey my gardens, list what is blooming and then post that list, along with a few pictures, for “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day”.
I invite everyone to join me and do the same on the 15th of each month. To participate in “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day”, all you have to do is post your list of what is blooming in your garden on the 15th of the month, and then leave me a comment on my post with a link to your list, and then we’ll all be able to compare who has what blooming. Or, if you don’t want to post your list, you can just leave comment on my posted bloom list with your bloom list.
Northern gardeners (on both sides of the ocean) can see what blooms we have to look forward to and what flowers we can’t have, and Southern gardeners will get to see what they can’t have due to heat or lack of cooling. And we’ll all be envious of the Australian gardeners who have long lists of blooms during our Northern hemisphere winters and vice versa.
I’ll be posting my first bloom list on February 15th. It may be short, but it will be a start. I hope a few of you will join me.
Well, I will be glad to see what everybody has, but I won’t be able to particpate…
Everything is covered up with all this white mulch!!!
Great idea! Do buds count? That’s all I have right now on a houseplant I can’t identify and on a cactus.
I love this idea! Now, if I can actually remember to do it! Lol! For the last few years, I have faithfully started a list on my computer…and then forget about it when things get hectic. But, I will try…btw, there’s a great book Continuous Bloom (with pictures)by Pam Duthie that’s a wonderful resource for this. I kept the one out from my local library so long that I decided I should buy a copy. It’s a great resource.
That sounds like fun. I’m in!
I’m in! I even have my post all ready to go.
Oh, I love this, Carol! I am SO in 🙂
Of course, now this will motivate me to get more flowering plants into my landscape, as I’m sure I’ll be inspired once everyone else starts posting!
Sissy… join us anyway, even if you have no blooms the 1st time.
OldRoses… buds can count, just mention they are buds not blooms.
Gotta Garden, Pam/Digging, Molly, Colleen.. thanks for being “in”. I’m looking foward to seeing what you all have blooming in February. My outdoor list is going to be kind of short in February, mostly indoor plants this time.
Carol, I’ll try to do it, too – there are at least 2 daffodils out there and maybe I can remember to take a photo.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I’ve posted my list…I’m looking forward to reading other lists!
Hi Carol,
Lovely idea! So count me in. I’ve posted my list on my blog today (the 16th) and hope to be on time next month. 😉 There are a few photos too.
Perhaps we should all link with each other so it’s easy to see who has what in flower? Just a thought.
A lovely idea! I’ll post mine as well. Nice to compare notes!
What a great idea. My post is up. Sorry I’m a day late!
I have lettuce!
My list is ready, and will be published tomorrow in the early morning… (this month with English translation!)
I've got one for you! Outside looking loverly as we speak is American Bittersweet.
And I'm writing about what looks great each week in my zone 5 garden over the winter. Think I can't do it? Put me to the test.