Why is it that I can never remember the common name of this orchid?I can remember Ludisia discolor, its botanical name, but I can’t remember its common name of jewel orchid. I always want to call it a …
The Tale of the Christmas Cottontail
Have you heard the tale of the Christmas Cottontail? On Christmas Eve, a tiny little bunny known as the Christmas Cottontail rides along with Santa Claus as he travels around the world delivering …
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Putting Some Hoe in Your Holidays
What better way to put that “hoe” in the holidays than giving a hoe or some hoe related items to your favorite gardener or yourself? I think any gardener would be delighted to find one of these hoe …
First Snow at May Dreams Gardens
At first, the snow came down in soft, slow flurries, seeming to be in no particular hurry as each snow flake drifted down to land gently somewhere on the garden.(I know it makes no sense for …
Cut Flowers, Potted Plants or Forced Bulbs
Snow flurries fly outside, but inside, there are new sprouts coming up from the Oxalis bulbs that I planted up on November 25th.These first little leaves showed up while I was gone for a few days, …
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WInter Gardening: Phase Two
Now that it is December, I have begun, in earnest, Phase Two of Winter Gardening.To the casual observer, this phase, which I call “Settling In”, looks a lot like a bear hibernating, as far as …