There was much excitement here at May Dreams Gardens when others became aware that I was going to join in for Three for Thursday hosted by Cindy at My Corner of Katy. Excitement might not be the …
Porch Chat: Seed of an Idea
It's a cool evening after a long day, making it a good time for a porch chat. So put down that watering hose, grab your favorite beverage, and come sit on my virtual porch so we can chat about our …
Dear Friends and Gardeners August 16, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, This past week we got to experience something that hasn’t happened around here in years. Years, I tell you. Unfortunately that something was …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2010
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for August 2010. I wrote in 2009 that August is what separates the real gardeners from the wanna-be gardeners. It’s hot and dry and who wants to be out there …
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On The Eve of Bloom Day: Elizabeth Lawrence’s Garden
Here we are, on the eve of another Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'll head out in a bit to see what is blooming in my garden, thinking about Elizabeth Lawrence, and her quote that inspired bloom day, …
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The Key To Making Your Garden Memorable: Scent
As I lean over the row of marigolds just beginning to bloom, I remember my Dad’s garden. I remember summer days that seemed to go on forever, and the end of that forever when school started with yet …
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