The old rabbit, Eleven, sat in the green chairs left out in the garden for the winter and watched the gate on the far side of the garden for signs of his replacement, a young, energetic bunny named …
A New Member for SGAFO
Dear Membership Committee of the Society of Gardeners Aged 50 and Over (SGAFO), As a member in good standing and the president and founder of The Society of Gardeners Aged 50 and Over (SGAFO), I …
hortisma: n 1. a special personal quality or power of a garden making it capable of influencing or inspiring large numbers of people 2. a quality inherent in a garden which inspires great enthusiasm …
Happy Houseplant Season!
'Tis the day after Christmas, the official beginning of houseplant season. Did you forget to water your houseplants while your attention was distracted with shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, …
Guest Post: Garden Fairies do the Helleborus Hop
Garden fairies here! Greetings of the seasons from all the garden fairies here at May Dreams Gardens. You would not believe what has been going on around here. Or rather, you would not believe …
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I have more hoes than Santa Claus
We are putting a rush in our hurry up* here at May Dreams Gardens. But even with hurrying up our rushing around, there is still time to grab the two hoes with red handles, wrap them in white …