Hello Fall of '12! Good bye and good riddance Summer of '12. Wherever you came from, please don't come back. You were a season of stealth. Day by day, hour by hour you robbed …
It’s a garden
It's a garden. It contains living plants that grow, sprawl, climb, spread, and flower. It's full of plants with fragrance, plants that have a special way of reflecting back the early morning sun or …
Achieving Happiness in Your Garden: The Seventeenth Secret
A new season of gardening is upon us. Fall. And with fall comes another secret to achieving happiness in your garden. This secret is one that people have been told time and again, but …
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Plastic garden fairies
Many people think or assume or suppose that I would like to have one of those fairy gardens that are filled up with plastic garden fairies. Truly, I would not like such a thing. I would never insult …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – September 2012
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for September 2012. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6b garden, we are recovering from the Drought of '12, having been blessed with quite a bit of rain in …
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Dear Hortense answers a question about bulbils
Dear Hortense Hoelove, What is wrong with my lily plant? It has these brownish-black "things" growing in the leaf axils. Is it a disease? Is it large insect frass? What should I do? What spray …
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