Viola blooming in the winter lawn. On a spring-like December day, when the high temperature was 63F, you can't blame a gardener for chucking all other plans - plans for Christmas shopping, tree …
‘Twas a month before winter
'Twas a month before winter... well, actually it is 26 days until true winter which begins on December 21st. The only blooms left are in the sun room. I'm currently enjoying these orange, …
Inconceivable Antiquity
"How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew!" Ralph Waldo Emerson Bring on the roses, violets, and morning dew, it's time for …
Guest Post: X Marks the Spot
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we went outside because Carol went outside. She was taking pictures for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, which is tomorrow. We garden fairies weren't …
Dear Gardener’s Journal: The First Ten Days
Sunday, January 1, 2012 Dear Gardener's Journal High 51F, Low 35F I heard winter was finally coming so I rushed around and took down all the outdoor Christmas lights, then I potted up some house …
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Winter Time: Sow Seeds for a Happy Summer
A dusting of snow on the garden brings wintry thoughts. Winter time is one of the best things about gardening in a temperate zone. In the winter time, snow and ice and wind wipe the garden clean so …
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