Repent, ye gardeners, repent! Repent and pay your penance with hours of weeding for planting, once again, a plant that you had no business planting, that took hold in your garden and while you …
Tomato Seedling Progress Report: Thank You!
Many thanks to all who read and enjoyed yesterday's post on April Fool's Day about the progress of my tomato seedlings. Some of you got it right away, some of you wanted it to be true but knew it …
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Dr. Hortfreud Reveals Five Types of Garden Therapy
Working under a grant provided by iGROW (Institute for Gardenetics Research and Other Works*), Dr. Hortfreud recently published an important paper on the five primary types of garden therapy, as …
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Hortish: A Guest Post by the Garden Fairies
Garden fairies here. After getting “called out” for posting so infrequently last year, we’ve been biding our time waiting for Carol to relinquish control of the laptop so that we could get in here and …
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Thoughts On Seeing The First Crocus Bloom…
On this bright, cold sunny afternoon, there it was… the first crocus of the season. And nearby, another crocus. Both were just a few days later in arriving compared to when they showed up last year, …
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How to Soothe the Winter Weary Gardener
On this last day of February, our thoughts turn to gardening, as they always do. We sense it is coming. We can see it in the tiny green sprouts, imagine it in the breeze, hear it as the …
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