"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your ship's captain speaking. I wish to inform you that our voyage to Frost-Free is on schedule. We apologize to those who thought that our ship's earlier and …
We Must Not Dig It All
Seeing the first hummingbird, hearing lawn mowers again, dropping tax forms—and a check—into the mailbox, or having to hunt again for an open parking spot at the local garden center, we each have our …
Post Weeding Press Conference
Transcript of a Post Weeding Press Conference... Carol, we noticed you spent almost two hours weeding today with just one break. How do you feel? I feel good. No particular aches or pains. I was …
Garden Fairies: Our Big January Surprise
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we are pleased to share that our big January surprise project worked! No, our big January surprise project was not to make these snowdrops bloom, …
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Garden Fairies Grade Carol’s Fall Clean Up Efforts
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and once again we are called upon to post on this blog because, well, we are garden fairies and we cannot believe Carol has not posted anything in nearly …
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72 Hours on This Planet
Ship Log 11/10/2022 - After an uneventful landing, we have arrived at our destination planet. The inhabitants call it "Earth." We appear to be in location called "Indiana." So far this planet …