To ensure we do not lead others astray unwittingly, we should be specific in our writing. We should describe plants by their correct botanical names, refer to plant parts with accurate botanical …
Watching a Wedding from May Dreams Gardens
Tulipa acuminata In a rare gathering, Dr. Hortfreud, Hortense Hoelove, the Old Woman at the Door, several garden fairies, and I gathered in the early morning hours here at May Dreams Gardens to watch …
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Dr Hortfreud Encourages Us to Accept Mistakes
Good evening, Carol. Hi Dr. Hortfreud. Are you ready for our session, Carol? Yes, I am. Okay, tell me what you are feeling when you look at this half circle of peonies? Well, Dr. Hortfreud, I …
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Garden Fairies Hijack Blog to Share Some Big News
Finally, with the first lilacs just beginning to bloom and the early blooming Viburnums still hanging on, I had the perfect opportunity to smell each one and decide, once and for all, which flower …
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Another Perennial Border is Named
Tulipa humilis 'Magenta Queen' I like to name my gardens. I don't like to force the names. I wait for the names to come to me. The overall name of my gardens is May Dreams Gardens. Repeat after …
The Gardener and the Mighty Dandelion
There in the garden, the wild dandelion was trapped, cornered, easy prey for the gardener, who swooped down upon it and with her bare hands pulled it out of the rain-softened earth. She was …
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