Seed Heads A One Act Play By Carol M. Cast of Characters Seeds…………………………......Several seeds on a coneflower Bird………………………………A little finch TIME: Late Fall SETTING: A garden ACT ONE SCENE …
What do garden fairies look like?
It's time once again to take a peek inside "The Secret Diary of a Garden Fairy" to read about what's really going on with the garden fairies here at May Dreams Gardens. Of course, I'll put on a …
The Society for the Promotion of Mums as the Quintessential Fall Flower
Who will buy these? The Society for the Promotion of Mums as the Quintessential Fall Flower* would like to lodge an official protest regarding the disfiguration of poinsettias to modify their colors …
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When my back is turned in my garden
This is what I think it looks like in my garden when my back is turned. Rabbits and squirrels having a big party. I know it happens because there is evidence of it. I won't go into details, but …
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Garden fairies discuss bulb planting
Crocus speciosus are done for the year Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we want to know right now before we take the time to continue writing this post if any of the lovely readers of …
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The Halloween Hare: Do you believe?
This year I feel certain the Halloween Hare is going to visit my garden and create havoc if I don't take preventative measures. What? You don't know about the Halloween Hare? You must be new …
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