My little blueberries, caged up for the winter. I had to do it to keep the rabbits away. The blueberries look so trapped, but where were they going to go, anyway? Those &$%^ rabbits chew and …
The Hunt for a New Pair of Gardening Clogs
I’m not a big footwear person. When it comes to my regular day time office environment work, I have 3, maybe 4, pairs of shoes that I wear… black, navy, brown. I am definitely not one of those people …
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Ritual of the First Tomato
I am finding a common bond among vegetable gardeners around doing something special with their first ripe tomato of the season.What do I do with my first tomato?I like to carefully pick the first ripe …
New Plant!
I have a new plant in my garden. This isn’t just any new plant, this is a NEW plant. I’ve been quiet about it until now as I didn’t want to get too excited about it. When I say new plant, I mean a NEW …