Just a few days ago, I was lamenting that if my tulips choose to come back after the first year, it was usually as lone tulips, even though I planted them in groups. Then I wrote about how thrilled I …
Improving Your Image As A Gardener
Wait, come back, don't click the "X" and move on! This isn't another post about the weather and the freezing temperatures and what that has done to trees, like my crabapple, and shrubs and flowers …
Major Update on Boulder in My Garden
I’ve posted before about the large boulder in the back yard. I joked in that post that maybe it was a meteor or radioactive or something like that, instead of just being a great big boulder that they …
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Garden Shoe Challenge!
Yolanda Elizabet and I apparently have quite different opinions when it comes to footwear for gardening and my fashion sense about my gardening shoes! And if I may quote from her blog on her thoughts …
A Life-Changing Hoe?
A Life-Changing Hoe “Somebody has sent me a new sort of hoe, with the wish that I should speak favorably of it, if I can consistently. As to this hoe, I do not mind saying that it has changed my view …
A Hoe-Some Diversion in Winter
I don’t know how it happened. Really, I did not set out to have a hoe collection. (If you haven’t seen the collection, please feel free to pause at this point and go see it now by following the link. …