A friend of mine, who knows not a whit about gardening, often likes to test my knowledge of plants by pointing at a tree or shrub or flower and asking “What’s that?”Then I fire back with the botanical …
Norfolk Island Pine Inspires Poetry
I recently won a Norfolk Island Pine tree, and it inspired me to write poetry!Oh Norfolk Island PineOh Norfolk Island PineYour beauty is so fine. Would you like to be my treeAnd celebrate Christmas …
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Birds In My Garden
If this blog was about birds, I’d be in trouble.My typical posts would be something like…Oh, look, a bird at my feeder.Oh, look, a bird eating off the ground, it must be a morning dove. Or is it a …
When a Gardener Reads the Newspaper
When a gardener reads the newspaper early in the morning and sees a sub-heading about ‘Top Mercury-Emitting Plants’…She thinks… There are plants that emit mercury!? Are any of these growing in my …
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Porch Chat: We Are A Lot Like Watering Cans
It’s a bit too cold to sit on the porch these days, so come on in and let’s talk about what we’ve learned about watering cans so far this week.We now know that many gardeners have more then one …
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Watering Can Roses and Other Parts
According to William Bryant Logan in "The Tool Book","The watering can looks like an ancient tool, but the first mention of it in the Oxford English Dictionary dates only from 1692. More than a decade …