hortisma: n 1. a special personal quality or power of a garden making it capable of influencing or inspiring large numbers of people 2. a quality inherent in a garden which inspires great enthusiasm …
The Paradox of Gardening
The paradox of gardening is that you can lose yourself in a garden while finding yourself in a garden. If you are a gardener, this makes perfect sense. If you are not a gardener, you may have to …
A gardener’s winter lair
One of the most important preparations a gardener can make for winter is to set up a winter lair. The winter lair should be indoors for obvious reasons, like snow and sleet and ice and rain and cold …
It’s time
The garden is bare now, except for the weeds left from a season that silently, softly slipped away. With fall days that felt more like summer, the only sure sign that this was the end of the …
Memory Gardens
The last violet of the season I spent some time cleaning up the vegetable garden earlier today. A slight breeze rustled through the last of the corn stalks as fallen leaves from the nearby grape vine …
I hope
I've not seen my garden in the daylight since Monday. I hope it is okay. I was gone. It rained. When I got home, I went out in the dark and checked the rain gauge. There was water up to the five …