I am reminded that a garden lightly tended will yield some lovely surprises, like this little field of columbine seedlings on the edge of Plopper's Field. I crawled around and through Plopper's Field …
Silence! Don’t disturb the gardener…
Silence. Do not disturb the gardener. She's disturbed enough. Kidding. She's actually quite happy. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the dew is heavy and all about the garden flowers …
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Speed weeding
Weeding at top speeds approaching more than 20 weeds a minute, I speed weeded my way through a large garden area called The Shrubbery. I did not stop to choose a special tool and dig up any weeds. I …
Early Fall is the New Spring
Early Fall is the New Spring. After three months of the hottest, driest days I've ever experienced as a gardener, we finally had some good rains a few weeks ago and everyone breathed a collective …
Notice of Eviction for Drought of 2012
Exhibit A From the Law Offices of F. Lee Hortley and Fairy Hortson To: Drought of 2012 May Dreams Gardens …
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My Dear Garden…
Rudbeckia sp. My Dear Garden, I feel the need to offer both thanks and apologies, along with new promises, in this letter to you, my dear garden, for what you've been through these last few months …