Come aboard the good ship May Dreams as we sail off to a desert island which will soon be populated with garden bloggers and their plants from all around, thanks to Shirl and her Desert Island Plant Challenge.
We each get to take just three flowering plants to the island.
Did you know that botanists estimate there are between 250,000 and 400,000 species of flowering plants? That’s a lot of plants to choose from to take to the island, so I think I’ll limit my choices by choosing only plants I actually have. Otherwise, I might be forever choosing.
First off, I’m going to have to take the Amarylis (Hippeastrum) ‘Blossom Peacock’ pictured above because it’s in full bloom right now.
I’d just feel too bad leaving it behind, since it bloomed so nicely for me in January.
I hope there is room for the night-blooming cereus (Ephiphyllum oxypatalum).I can’t leave it behind. I’ve had it for over twenty years, having inherited it from my father.
Now that I’ve crowded the ship with such a big plant, I’m going to go much smaller for my third and final choice, a woodland violet.
These are so sweet, tiny, and remind me of spring.
What? You say these are a weed in your garden? Well, so far in my garden they are a welcome little bloom and as long as they don’t get too out of control, I hope I always have a few blooming here and there.
If you’d like to join us on the island, fill your boat with your three plants and sail off to Shirl’s blog to leave a link and comment, then go see what are in some of the other boats as they dock with their three plants.
Excellent choices, Carol, the woodland violet especially. Who could do without them come Spring? And good thinking with the Amaryllis taking it with you means instant flowers.
My desert island post is up too.
Hi there Carol, great to see your list, thanks for joining in 😀
Yes, I agree with Yolanda – good thinking in taking a flower in bloom. Your Island already swings 😉
The night blooming cereus, I can see why (and hoped) you’d pick that one. I should have thought on it myself after seeing yours previously. Now the woodland violet, I was with you on that one. I had it in a list with violas and my lewisia at one point. I do love woodland flowers – especially the Spring ones. I also considered bluebells but the clock ran out – probably fortunate in this case 😉
Hi Carol, what interesting choices, the nicest word I can come up with for the violets, HA. But they are sweet and sure are easy to grow, no work on your part to tend them as you enjoy the warm sand and sun on the island. What a great idea Shirl had. How does it feel to be on the other end of Mr. Linky? 🙂
Hi, Carol. I definitely agree on the amaryllis; that’s one I would have to take. Also, the violets would be nice. I have them here, and while I know many consider them weeds, I’m with you in thinking they are so sweet and pretty.
Always Growing
Good choices Carol. They would all be blooming so much more on that desert island too.
So glad to see the night-blooming cereus is there, Carol, because otherwise I’d have to stop off at your place on my way to the desert island and get your plant for you! And violets? Never enough of them. They’re not weeds to me, they’re spring joy. Besides, you can eat them if you get tired of the desert island fare.
Excellent chioces Carol, I was delighted to see the Ephiphyllum oxypatalum, I have been looking for this plant for ages, is it yours? If it is I wonder if you know where I can find a plant/cutting? It is so very beautiful!
Have a great day/ Tyra
Good choices Carol…the night blooming cereus is expected, the amaryllis is gorgeous…hmmm, that violet is a total surprise, but it is a pretty little flower. gail
Hi Carol. Lovely Amarylis and so handy that it is already in flower 🙂
I see we both chose the Epiphyllum!
The violet is beautiful too, a pretty flower and such a rich colour.
See you on the island.
I do note a winter theme here in your choices. I can’t find fault with any of your choices, especially the little Violet. They are so charming. I love them.
I love the sweet little violets too. I don’t have any here but I had them at my homes in Alabama and Tennessee.
These are all excellent, Carol. Maybe you’ll volunteer to host an evening-in-the-garden party when your cereus is ready to flower so we can all admire it!
I would like to find that variety of amaryllis. It is lovely!
Very nice choices. I love the violets too, they are always welcome in my garden!
I like your choices! They all look so pretty together! Wasn’t this a great challenge? I had to really stop and think about it.
Love them all Carol and they go well together!
I can see why you could not leave them behind. Beautiful picks!
Dear Carol,
The woodland violets are always welcomed in my gardens and lawns.
The bees and the tiny Eastern Tail Blue butterflies love them too. Glad they will be on the island…
Lovely photographs.
Hi Carol, I like violets too, and they aren’t very invasive here. I think you have such unique choices. I wonder what I would choose? I mean, how could I limit myself to one rose?~~Dee
Interesting choices Carol–and surprising! Two nonperennials, though they are lovely. I, too, love those violets and look forward to their appearance this spring. I will definitely post to celebrate them, which I never have.
When it’s minus 8 degrees as it is here tonight, we find you inspirational knowing you also live in Zone 5 yet don’t lose sight of warmer days to come. Thank you for your beautiful Web site and your lovely readers. We posted about you here:
I was late getting to the island, Carol, and am just now getting around to visiting all the inhabitants. The violet is an interesting choice–I like them, but they have a habit of popping up in places I don’t want. An island with lots of empty space would be a good place for them:)
I love the picture on the top of this post it is such a beautiful flower.