Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for September 2009.
Now that it is mid September, I’m starting to hear the tiny little whispers of Fall, which wants to make the garden its own.
It starts with a few mums, blooming near the front door. I do nothing to help these along, and for much of summer they are hidden behind some Black-eyed Susan’s, Rudbeckia sp., which I recently cut back.
Out in the back yard, the tiny leaflets of the nearby Honey Locust Tree, Gleditsia triacanthos, are beginning to litter the lawn, each one carrying its own message that summer is more or less past.
I’ve resorted to calling all the tall Sedum in my garden just “tall Sedum” because the new botanical names are a bit confusing. This one may or may not be the variety sold as ‘Autumn Joy’.
Somehow, in moving and transplanting these tall Sedum throughout the garden, I ended up with the lighter flowering variety interspersed with the one that may or may not be ‘Autumn Joy’.I think the light pink one is ‘Frosty Morn, which is supposed to have variegated leaves but somewhere along the way, it lost its variegation. Some variegated varieties do that.
Out in the vegetable garden, I have green beans blooming, which is a first for my September garden.This the third planting of bush beans and I hope to get a few beans before the whispers of Fall become cold shouts of frost.
Elsewhere in the vegetable garden the sunflowers are still blooming.This is the variety ‘Earthwalker’, in colors that are perfect for fall. Nearby, but not pictured, the zinnias, marigolds, and nasturtiums are also still blooming.
In the side garden, the tiny white blooms of Purple Beautyberry, Callicarpa dichotoma ‘Issai’, were hardly worth mentioning earlier this summer, but now the purple berries add color to the early fall garden.This particular beautyberry is hardy to zone 5a.
I checked my bloom day post from last September and believe that this year’s garden is further along than last year’s garden by perhaps a week or so, except for the Colchicums which were blooming last year by the 15th but are “no-shows” so far this year.
I would expect these Michaelmas daisies to start blooming any day now.When they do, they’ll be covered with bees and butterflies, all franatically trying to enjoy the last of the garden before the first frost, which hopefully happens after I pick the last of the green beans in the vegetable garden.
What’s blooming in your garden in mid-September? Is Fall whispering its arrival where you are? I hope you’ll join us for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day this month and tell us about what’s blooming now in your garden. All are welcome!
It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden on the 15th of the month and then leave a link in the “Mr. Linky” widget below along with a comment so we can find you and visit your garden to see what you have blooming.
We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Gracious, what a treat to be number one!
Love the beautyberry, and thrilling to see it's zone-hardy in my area. Just looked up the cultural requirements, and it seems this one might actually grow in my garden. Audible gasp. Must investigate.
Thanks, as always, Carol, for offering us this meeting place.
My sedum that I thought was Autumn Joy is too pale, so I seem to have some sedum confusion going on as well. It will be really interesting to see what's happening elsewhere given what a strange summer it's been. So thanks for hosting and giving us this peek into other September gardens!
Yep, I've got some fall going on.
Hi Carol, thanks again for hosting this monthly flowerfest. No matter how many flowers I come up with I always remember the next the ones I should have mentioned. But with all the folks writing in most of the deserving flowers do get their day in the sun…
I have got to find a way to give the late sedums a better opportunity around here. You and others always seem to make them look very desirable…
Those beautyberries are such a great shade of purple. They sound like something from a disney movie that we could eat to become beautiful. I am sure there would be a catch like turning into a pumpkin at midnight or something like that. I guess I wouldn't chance it. Thank you for hosting this great way to visit other's gardens. I really enjoy reading your posts.
Calicarpa caught my eye – your picture made me think, that maybe I can consider it for my garden.
I have already thought about it, but whenever I saw it in reality the color and amount of berries were dissapointing.
Yours seems much nicer, also because berries are forming kind of pattern.
Those Purple Beautyberry plants are incredible. I wonder if I could grow those in the desert… I've been trying my hand at sedums and just love them. They are some tough little plants!
Lovely September bloomers, Carol–and beans maybe soon, too? Fun! 🙂
I'm with the others on the beautyberry. It's so elegant and lovely, and yet fun at the same time, that I feel like I need to find a place in my own yard for one!
Good morning Carol,
It's been a while: even Mr. Linky had forgotten about me 🙂
Not-a-lot over at our place. Not even any confusing Sedums. And what there is needs protection.
It seems you finally have some agreeable temperatures.
Thank you for hosting.
Hi Carol – that certainly does look like Sedum 'Autumn Joy' from across the pond here. Is your 'Frosty Morn' in a shadier spot? That usually helps plants to lose their variegation.
I posted about signs of Autumn yesterday, but I'm in a much more positive mood today, thanks to Blooms Day 🙂
Hi Carol:
Thanks again for hosting.
My bloom Day scans are here: http://www.remarc.com/craig/?p=743
Thanks for another great Bloom Day article! I added a post about what is blooming in my city.
Happy Bloom Day! Your garden looks lovely especially the purple beautyberry. I planted one in my garden last fall and the berries are just starting to turn from green to purple. I'm hoping they'll be bright purple for my October GBBD post.
Good morning Carol, lots of pretty blooms in your September garden! The sedum cuttings I started last fall I thought were Autumn Joy seem too pale here too – could be the shade, could be they're not Autumn Joy. Re: you variegated sedums – my Black Jacks have also reverted (to Matrona, which I like.) I wonder if some of these cultivars can only retain their identifying characteristics for a season or two. I'm with you on just calling them all tall sedums.
Beautyberries may well be the next blogalong plants that end up here. I've always liked them, and seeing them on so many blogs the last three autumns is going to push me over the edge – I'm sure of it.
I did just one planting of green beans and they're still producing like mad. I enjoyed a big mess of them for lunch yesterday. Oh, and say, can you and all your readers use some extra tomatoes?! 🙂
Fall is not so much whispering here as summer has dropped its bravado and no longer feels it has anything to prove. Maybe it has resolved that its time in nearly over.
At first you had me worried that the taxonimists were busy messing with the Sedum names, I hope they are not. Your 'Earthwalker' sunflower photo was very nice, and what a great name for the plant.
I hope you have a happy GBBD and thank you again for hosting. My link follows.
I Think I'd Like To Have Another
Is that a rose bud I see with the purple mum in the first photo? My shrub roses are in the midst of a second bloom. Everyone loves 'Autumn Joy', especially the bees. Your 'Earthwalker' sunflowers really make a statement up against the wooden fence. I don't know Michaelmas daisies. There is always something new to me in every garden I visit. Thanks for GBBD.
Hi Carol,
You have some great blooms yet. I love the green beans. The rabbits here chose them as their food of choice. I planted several times, but failed to protect them each time. The squirrels have taken almost all of the sunflowers.
I mentioned on my post that I started blogging in October, and when I saw other posts, went back to my September photos and put up a GBBD post from them. I am sad, though, because I was going to put a link to it, and the photos were gone. I imagine I have reached my limit of space, and now need to figure out what to do.
Thanks for continuing to host this!
Very nice Carol! I'm very fond of the beautyberry bush. Beautyberries are easy to grow from cuttings if you want more. I like the sunflowers too. I prefer the orange-red sunflowers over the yellow ones.
I thought you'd be embracing the new name Hylotelephium. It's so much more fun to say than dumpy "Sedum." I like how you mixed the colors of them together for a richer effect. (Hint, hint – that's what you say instead of admitting to a mistake.) Your Beauty Berry looks awesome this year.
Every annual Bloom Day is different, isn't it? Your Colchicums, my Sternbergias, wonder where they are?
Want to give the tip I've learned since last bloom day: Using Name/URL for one's identify instead of the default means you can
click on my name to go straight to my blog
instead of my profile where you search for the blog.
Did everybody know that except me?
Hi Carol, your Autumn Sedum Joy is beautiful and so are the Sunflowers.
The Purple Beautyberry too looks very exotic!
My own Beautyberry was being devoured by a mockingbird sitting on a neraby bench picking off one bright berry at a time — took pics, but they are hard to make out the grey bird in them. Ah well, I did plant it in part as a wildlife attractant :-).
Thank you once again for another bloom day. I needed that little look at other peoples flowers to calm me down. Lovely. Sorry I never write the names of my blooms – 1 I can't remember them and 2 if I can, I spell it wrong and feel terribly silly. xxx
Thank you Carol. Fall is a great time in the garden. I love the sedum – so reliable and pretty – like an old friend.
I don't have a single mum blooming, though there is certainly a lot of whispering here, too. I have enough trouble remembering some of my perennials after a year, let alone after they have been transplanted once or twice. You can enjoy that sedum even if you don't know which is which!
Carol, I just saw your comment about my late crabapple blooms. I have suspected since spring that they might have rust or another disease; your diagnosis makes sense and explains the late blooms. I think I have to wait until spring to treat them, though.
Thank you Carol for hosting this Bloom Day! My flower garden still has bright summer colors.
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Bloom Day-ing while on vacation…is this some sort of sin??
All this blooming makes me wish I were at home in my garden instead of at work! And I also wish I'd thought to photograph my Angelica, which is bursting, and my pumpkins, which are only just blooming now. I guess pumpkins for Halloween are out of the question this year!
Loving your Earthwalker Sunflower! Happy Septenber Bloom day 🙂
I have quite a bit of the same things blooming in my garden as you have. Our trees are beginning to drop leaves here as well. I just planted a Beautyberry and I hope it'll have as many berries as yours does next year. Thanks for hosting GBBD, I always look forward to it.
Hi Carol,
The Beauty berry always reminds me of some grape candy. Very nice!
Thanks for hosting GBBD! What a gracious host you are. When did you start this fabulous idea?
Your beauty berry is surely a beauty… enjoy your blooming day Carol. Thanks for hosting!
Dang! I was hoping to see those Michaelmas daisies! I love seeing the changes in other people's gardens, and even just noticing the differences in my own because of this lovely little time marker called 'bloom day' thanks again!
You have such a nice selection of plants blooming now! The sedum is lovely. That's one of the few ornamentals blooming, well just finished blooming in my garden. But I decided to post photos from the vegetable garden this time around.
Hi Carol. It is so much fun to see what is happening in gardens all over the country (and world). Thanks for hosting.
Love, love, love that purple beautyberry! I've never seen that one.
Hi Carol, thanks for the invite to the garden! Yes, fall is whispering, the light has changed, and things slow down even here in CA.
Great show, still, especially the sedums. Now I'm of course worried that mine isn't 'Autumn Joy' either. Well, if it isn't, it should be ;->
Good Morning Carol!
I LOVE autumn…I know I'm a bit early but the old back-to-school spirit just won't die. Your sunflowers are magnificent – I will definitely look for that variety next year. My garden always has room for more brown flowers. I'm jealous of your Callicarpa! For some reason my shrub is just now blooming – doesn't look good for a show of berries this year. Fortunately the world is round and we always have next year.
Enjoy the snap in the air.
That beautyberry is fantastic — like out of a sci-fi movie! And I love the sedum. I need to make that a 'blogalong'. 🙂
I love your Sunflower! Very Autumn like colors. I'm anxiously awaiting my Aster blooms too. Happy Bloom Day!
Another set of beautiful blooms in your garden, Happy GBBD and a happy fall season!
Hi Carol. Great post, as usual. I may have to get that beauty berry, it is a wonderful color. My garden is starting to show its fall colors too. Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't keep track of all the sedums. . .
Your garden is so beautiful – hints of fall aside. And that beautyberry! I am so jealous. Still, I never thought I'd have an autumn garden with color, and now here I am. I think Bloom Day has inspired me to add more to each month's bloom. Thank you.
this is my first bloom day contribution although I had a good look through last month, – so many lovely flowers all over the world, here are mine from Surrey UK
Carol, Calling Autumn Joy et al Tall sedums is an excellent idea! I'll borrow that if you don't mind! It looks another great Bloom Day! Congrats and Happiest of days to you. gail
Hi, Carol…thanks, as always for keeping us all noticing things at least once a month. I think you should get a commission on beautyberry sales.
Hi Carol!
I have to say, the color of those mums is really striking. I think I want.
Looking forward to seeing you next week!
I have more blooming than I thought I would have. This summer has been so unusual here, as in most places. Thanks for hosting again, Carol!
There is no denying it any longer is there? Fall is coming. I am trying to learn to embrace it. Thanks for hosting another bloomday!
Hi Carol, thanks for hosting GBBD. I love the beauty berry – much further on (and much more berried) than mine, which might make October's GBBD.
I'll have to add some of your bloomers. I could almost do an all yellow/orange post! Thanks – Paula
I just found out about this today! What a wonderful idea! Is it alright if I explain what it is on my blog and link to yours in the post? (Or do you by any chance have a widget made for this?) I take photo's nearly every day in the garden so I'd love to participate!
Hi Carol, No colchicums yet??? There's a pic of ours to make you quite purple with envy (though that wasn't my intention!) and a post about purple actually. Your beauty bush would be the star if it was in our experimental bed.
Thanks as always for hosting!
Hi Carol!
Decided to join the Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. Thanks for hosting it!
Garden Thyme with the Creative Gardener
What a great Idea …. :O)
Will follow the entries with great interest :O)
There are sure signs of fall on the mountain. Much louder than a whisper. The asters have arrived.
At last, I've remembered to join the flowery fun. Thanks! And I love your rusty sunflowers.
Ooh, your Purple Beautyberry is well-named! I don't think I've ever seen a display quite like that.
Carol, my post is finally up. Thanks for reminding us to keep a list of what is blooming in our gardens once a month. I went back and looked at some of my older GBBD posts and enjoyed remembering other months and plants.
Always Growing
Woot, I didn't think I'd have time to post today, but I made it happen. Happy GBBD, Carol!
Leave it to Cityslipper to bring up the rear! I can't remember having had better light for photography in the garden than I had today. It was a gorgeous Bloom Day here; I hope yours was as special.
Another beautiful post. I'm envious of your upcoming fall.
Wow! Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day just gets better and better. The talent among this group is nothing shy of spectacular, beginning with you, Carol. Thanks again for hosting this wonderful monthly ritual, and for your beautiful garden contributions. Lynn
Carol, I like the mix of your sedums. The light and dark really show off each other well. That beautyberry is such a stunner-every time I see the berries I fall in love with it all over again!
Good luck with your green beans. Hopefully the frost will hold off long enough to get a bumper crop. 🙂
I agree with Anneliese, I like your mum color better than mine. And yes, see you next week at the GWA annual symposium.
I'm sure you can tell from the blogs and tweets that the Austin gardeners are thrilled to have gotten about 7 inches of rain and cooler weather too. We are celebrating the end of summer in a big way. The Internet makes me happy by helping me discover that I'm not the only person jumping up and down yelling that summer is over! Finally!
It's so weird to read your post then and get that whiff of autumn melancholy as your growing season hints that the end is nigh. Something about the colors in your photos make me smell leaves burning (although no one is allowed to do that any more), apple butter cooking and pumpkins.
Isn't it strange that I have autumn memories that come only from reading books?
I did it I woke up from my stupor long enough to post gbbd. Now I'm going back to sleep.
I love the color of your sunflowers. It feels like fall.
Hi Carol and thank you for hosting this great GBBD, it is a brilliant idea. I'm new at this and I'm just showing of some September roses, but it is most fascinating to see what is actually blooming in all the gardens around US and the rest world at one moment. I must add all the other flowers next time.
Hi Carol, that sedum name change is another annoying seemingly unnecessary offputting….well you get the idea. What are those who are new to gardening to make of it? It certainly doesn't encourage them to learn the botanical names, does it? Oh well,… bloom day nearly got missed at the Fairegarden, we can't let that happen, it would spoil a perfect record! Hope it is okay to be so late. 🙂
sorry, pre coffee rant. Life is good, happy thought happy thoughts happy thoughts….
exquisite!!! sedums are looking great. sedums are not much common here but i am trying to get my hands on seeds of autumn joy. same is the case with Michaelmas daisies. The earth walker sunflower is not at all something grown here but i will somehow get it and grow it. people underrate sunflower here too much. thanks for sharing these donferful flowers with us.
I love all these pics of autum blooms! I posted early this time since I'm back at work and I need to find time whereever I can… I focused on ornamental grasses this time. Looking forward to next month!!
Ooo! I really like Earthwalker and those beautyberries! Great pictures of them.
The more I see of the beauty berry, the more I think I want one! thanks for hosting GBBD , it really is fun.
We have a lot in common in our gardens blooming now Carol. I don't have any green beans blooming though. What a taste delight they will be.
Happy Bloom Day, Carol! My post is up and I'm off to Austin!
Your garden with Michaelmas daisies and Beautyberries looks just about right for Indiana as fall approaches- but I hope frost holds off long enough for the beans ;-]
Neither sedum nor asters show signs of buds here and the beautyberries aren't ready, either, but there's enough in flower to join GBBD this month.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
We have beans blooming in our garden too, Carol, and are hoping the frost holds off until they mature.
Your mums are lovely. I don't have any at the moment and must remedy that.
How exciting to know that beautyberries are hardy in zone 5! I've admired them on the Austin bloggers' sites.
The sedums are a nice spot of color in the garden now.
I'm late with my post, but I'm sticking to the old adage, "Better late than never".
Happy Bloom Day!
Carol – I'm a couple of days late but got there in the end!
I do like the way your sedums have mingled, the effect is rather lovely.
I think I may have to search out Frosty Morn for my own garden.
I am also admiring your Purple Beautyberry – and the way the berries form
My post is now up (rather late)
Sorry for my tardiness — I was getting a root canal redone on GBBD! Love your beautyberry, Carol – I definitely want one in my garden!
I love the sunflowers! My 10 yo son wants to plant lots of them next year.
Thank you for hosting!
Hi Carol, yes fall is whispering here too (although it may be getting drowned out with all the rain!). I love your sunflowers and beautyberry. I wish I had a good place for sunflowers. Maybe when I get a proper flower garden out front I can turn the backyard to veggies and sunflowers…
I'm a few days late but this is too good a party to miss! Hope the buds on our beans make it through the frost warning tonight. It's definitely looking like fall. Thanks, Carol.