Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for November 2024.
Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I did not expect to see lavender in “nearly full bloom” when I went out to the garden to look for blooms.
I suspect the warm, slow fall is to blame for this lavender and a few other unexpected blooms like those I found on some borage, the strawberries, and a clematis.
I also found other blooms that I expected to see including flowers on Christmas roses (Helleborus niger), a few blooms hanging on to the Japanese anemone (Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) and the last of the autumn crocuses (Crocus speciosus).
Some annual flowers are still looking sprightly, including alyssum, snapdragons, and potted pelargoniums.
I was also delighted to see lots of flowers on Veronica bonariensis ‘Vanity’ and a little miniature rose that I tucked into the front border in the spring because I wanted some more yellow flowers in that area.
In the pots out front, I think the mums will be good for at least another week or so and my beloved violas and pansies will last several more weeks.
All in all, I think it’s a pretty good showing for November.

What’s blooming in your garden as we all near the end of the growing season?
Join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us. It’s easy to do so. Just post on your blog, social media account, or wherever you are on the internet about your blooms on or around the 15th of the month. Then come back here and leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget so we can find you and a comment to tell us what you have in bloom.
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
That is quite a lot blooming, Carol! It has been so dry here that everything gave up. But these little autumn snowdrops are saving the day. Happy GBBD 🙂
That is a lot of blooming, and I’m happy to see your snapdragons, pansies, borage, Japanese anemone (mine gave up several weeks ago) and mums (ditto). I may have some flowers here and there in my yard but my hours at home the past few days have tended to be more in the dark, so I’m going with indoor flowers this time around. Also, where I live in New York State, it’s been dry. Crossing my fingers that we don’t get a fire nearby.
You have a lot of lasting blooms in your garden for November and I love the presentation in the collage! With the warm fall we have been experiencing there are a few blooms still hanging on here in my zone 7b Long Island garden, but with the sudden cold snap, I don’t know how much longer they will last. So the motto of the day is to enjoy them while we can! Happy Bloom Day!
I love the “postcard” presentation of your blooms, Carol. Thanks, as always for hosting GBBD.
I have lavender too, as well as a few bearded iris!
Wow, you have so many blooms for November!
Hi Carol, I’m late as usual for GBBD posting. Seems like I’m always gathering more pictures. Seems like the Camellias are running wild with flowers this year.