Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for May 2021.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, if you stand still for a minute you will probably hear the collective exhaling of the breaths of all of us gardeners as we look at the long-range forecast and think that maybe, possible, hopefully, almost assuredly, we are now going to be frost-free until Fall arrives.
Whew! But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves! Though the nights have been chilly and flirting with frost, we still have a lot of blooms to look at for bloom day. In fact, I have so many blooms that I decided to make a little video of all of them. You can check it out on my YouTube channel. (Added, a version of the video with me telling the names of the flowers.)
And now, for my next trick I’ll embed the video here for you to just click and watch!
I think it turned out quite nice!
As you can see, I’m still smitted with perennial violas. I am planning a whole post just about them.
You can also see I have some nice swaths of blooms, which I’m really enjoying. That’s one advantage of cooler nights. It does encourage the flowers to take their time and stick around for a while.
Enough about my garden. What’s blooming in your garden as we approach mid-May and summertime? Join us for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us your flowers. It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about the blooms in your garden on or around the 15th of the month, then come here and leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget and a comment to tell us what you have.
And remember, we can have flowers nearly every month of the year… so says the author Elizabeth Lawrence.
(If you missed my last post about my garden-admiring service, go back and read it! If you want a hand-written note full of admiration for your garden, email me where to send it! I’ve had several people take me up on my offer and their notes should be hitting their mailboxes soon!)
(If you missed my last newsletter, click to check it out and then subscribe if you are interested!)
Happy Bloomday Carol, and many thanks for keeping this going for so long.
Beautiful! I have Comfrey, Centaurea(bees are buzzing), snow in summer, and Coral Bells blooming.
Your gardens are alive with color, as your video shows beautifully. Violets are so easy to love. They are one of my favorites. Mine are the wild ones, and have already finished blooming for the year.
Your blue violets reflect the magical feel of your blog, Carol. I like to try blue flowers too. Blue star amsonia are in bloom now and they appear more full of flowers than I am a gardener! Thanks for sharing with us and allowing us all to take part in this beautiful 15th together.
Beautiful blooms, and I enjoyed the music too!
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Love your purple pansies/violas. They are such happy flowers in the spring! My favorite bloomers this month are my coral bell ‘Spearmint’ blooms..they are so showy and I wish I had more of them. The first hummingbirds to my garden were feasting on the red blooms. The other coral bells varieties in my garden are blooming too but they aren’t as showy!
I can see why you are still in love with perennial violets! My garden has a smattering of different blooms. Probably my short-term favorite is the Ceanothus ‘Victoria’. Thank you for hosting, Carol!
Sorry typed in wrong website.
I’m impressed by the quality of your video, Carol! That’s something I’ve yet to try. I hope you do indeed avoid any more nasty frost episodes. Meanwhile, here in SoCal we’re praying that the “30% chance of light rain” in the forecast actually materializes this weekend.
Excellent, you’re keeping things fresh here Carol… the video is a great idea! Happy MAY Bloomday!
I’m lucky #17 this month!
Nice video and happy spring 🙂
Happy bloom day my friend! That was a pretty video. I will do a bloom day post when I get back in town.
The video was great!
Happy Bloom Day Carol! Your violas are beautiful and I love your video. Enjoy the wonderful month of May with all its glorious blooms!
Well I enjoyed the video, but I have mixed feelings about that as a replacement for sharing comments on the flowers and names etc…
I’ve thought of doing the same thing but probably with narration.
So much goes on in the spring it’s hard to remember those other times of the year…
John, great idea, and if I hadn’t been in such a rush… anyway, I’ve just uploaded a new version of the video with narration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EAnV1YwhF0
A day late, but I made it. The wild cultivated gardens are having a wonderful spring despite those frosts and freezes.
I always enjoy seeing your May blooms, Carol, as many of them are previews of coming attractions in my own garden. I enjoyed the video (but the disadvantage is that plants are not named). Thanks again for hosting this monthly celebration of flowers.
Yes, that is a disadvantage… maybe next month I can add names to the pictures on the video!