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Clematis integrifolia |
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for May 2015.
I hardly know where to start here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana. We’ve had a wonderful spring, for the most part. There are flowers everywhere and lots of lush, green growth.
I’ll start with a new-to-me-this-year flower, Clematis integrifolia. This is one of those clematis that isn’t a vine, and so far this one is standing up on its own, unlike dear ol’ Clematis integrifolia ‘Alba’, which is lying along the ground, calling out for some means of support.
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Clematis integrifolia ‘Alba’ |
I have stated before my love of Clematis and there are several others blooming now about the garden. They are competing for my affection with all the columbine, Aquilegia sp.
This little dwarf columbine is only about six inches tall.

I also have a dwarf pink columbine, but it is nearly bloomed out.
Nearby is this dark blue columbine.

It looks a bit like the Clematis, doesn’t it? That’s because both Clematis and Aquilegia belong to the same plant family, Ranunculaceae. I remember back when I was in college taking a class in Plant Taxonomy, which I loved by the way, I was not all that impressed with the Ranunculaceae family. But we all change, and now I am in love with many flowers in this family. I could do a whole post on my love for the Ranunculaceae family, but this is bloom day, so let’s move on to this border of blooms.

In front, the Spanish bluebells, Hyacinthoides hispanica, in white, blue and pink. They are easy, reliable bulbs. And yes, the pale flowers in the back are columbine. They are offspring of ‘Tower Blue’ and ‘Tower Pink’, two varieties I grew from seed back in the day. I just scattered the seed and waited to see what would come up.
I never let columbine seed go to waste, and the self-sown columbine all over the garden are a testament to that fact.
Another bulb I planted last year for the first time also showed up for bloom day.

This one is a mouthful of Latin, Ixiolirion tartaricum ssp pallasii, known by several common names including Lavender Mountain Lily. It is supposed to be a good naturalizer. Time will tell.
What else is blooming here at May Dreams Gardens? Lilacs, of course. And daisies.

And gillyflowers. Don’t forget the gillyflowers!
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Dianthus ‘Bath’s Pink’ |
And salvia, geraniums, strawberries…
You get the idea. It’s May in May Dreams Gardens.
What’s blooming in your garden today for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day? Show us! We’d love to see whatever you have blooming. Who knows, you might have something blooming that we must all get!
It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden and then leave a comment here to tell us what you have for us to see, and then put a link to your post on the Mr. Linky widget.
Then say it with me, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
I can see why May is your favorite month in the garden with all your wonderful blooms. Your Bluebells and Clematis are delightful! Thanks for hosting Carol and Happy Bloom Day!
Thanks for hosting!
Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
Like you, I found it hard to get photos of all that was in bloom in my May garden — there's so much to see and the garden changes everyday this time of year! Everyone, keep your eyes open and enjoy it all! Happy GBBD!
I love that Clematis integrifolia – both the color and the flower shape.
Another fan of that clematis here. I have very few places in the garden for climbers, so that one is a must have! Happy Bloom Day Carol.
I've never seen the clematis that are not on a vine. I especially liked the dark purple one.
Gillyflowers, I'll have to remember that when I look at my Dianthus.
Thank you for hosting GBBD. I took a LOT of photos, did some weeding and still had LOTS to post!
The aquilegias are out, but clematis are only in bud for Blooms Day Carol. I always think of this month as the one when your garden overtakes the blooms on our side of the pond!
May Dreams is certainly living up to its name! You are way ahead of us in southeastern PA; we've had plenty of warmth but are gasping for rain. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms with us, Carol.
Love the columbine. And I must get clematis – I thnk I've been put off because my parents never seemed to have much luck with them. I've got a new addition to the garden this month. It's not staying!Thank you for hosting, as ever.
Those blue clematis again reminds me of the differences between hot and cold climate, you have more blues while we have the reds!
Our spring in upstate New York has been fast and furious. I, too, have a miniature columbine blooming – my main columbines should be opening any day now. Like you, I let them self sow. But I have so many now I may have to, regretfully, recycle some of them. My yards are too small. Wish we could trade! Happy GBBD. Alana – ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
Your May garden is certainly alive with so many blooms Carol….I have buds fattening on my clematis and columbine so I expect anytime now to see these lovely blooms too…I do love spring in my May garden. Happy Bloom Day to you!
Aquilegias are blooming here too, I agree, they are such beautiful flowers.Your clematis is also beautiful, I do love blue flowers, our clematis aren't quite out yet.
Love your clematis! It's my first year growing these so I'm anxious to follow along and see how they do. My Claire de Lune just bloomed yesterday!
I love everything in your garden. I have clematis, columbine, geranium"cranesbill". and forget me not blooming.
Love all your May flowers! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting as always!
Your GBBD got me to post to my blog, something I have been neglecting recently. So, the woodpecker got me up this morning hammering on the rain gutter. Really like that dark blue columbine!
The gillyflowers are gorgeous. Read all about them on your earlier post. I had the bright ones growing in a rock garden but never tried any other ones. Those are so beautiful I may have to give them a go.
Happy May! I'm also in central Indiana (Noblesville). I have a lot of things blooming that I just put in this year, so that's sort of cheating because they might not 'actually' be in bloom this time of the year if they grew from the ground. Nevertheless!
I'm so glad to be posting on Bloom Day again – and so glad to see what is coming up in everyone's gardens. Thank you for Bloom Day!
Wow! Those Bath's pinks are splendid. I used to have some but they never looked like that and then the pill bugs made mincemeat out of the. SO glad you are having a wonderful spring. We are having a very soggy one.
I always love the clematis you show that the blooms look like little fairy hats. Happy GBBD.
Thank you for hosting! I am very intrigued by that Ixiolirion and jealous of the columbines!
May is such a colorful month with our gardens full of blooms! I can smell your Gillyflowers from here! Thanks for hosting!
Carol, Happy May! Love love love your columbines!
Columbines feature heavily in my garden, too. I love your Clematis.
I first read "gillyflowers" as "girlyflowers"…which is a pretty fabulous name I think. Happy May Bloomday Carol!
Happy May to everyone – the most glorious month in the garden
It's that time of year: Winter Dreams come true and there is much to see and much to be done.
Bath's Pinks are one of my early spring favorites, already finished here, a delight in your photo.
I look forward to GBBD each month. I even managed to have my pictures ready and do my post today. Your flowers are lovely, it has been a spring for blooms! I have been branching out in my own garden after seeing everyone's lovely plants. http://ravenscourtgardens.com/2015/05/15/garden-bloggers-bloom-day-may-2015/
That blue Clematis integrifolia is beautiful! Thanks for hosting bloom day!
I love that blue Clematis. Your garden looks wonderful! Thanks for hosting Carol!
You already have daisies? Mine haven't even produced bloom stalks yet. Wild. I love your border. Gorgeous!~~Dee
I have never seen clematis like the ones you have posted. Now I'm going to need to find out if they'll survive my zone 9a garden. Those are gorgeous!
Thanks for hosting. What a glorious month – enjoy your blooms!
Thanks for hosting. What a glorious month – enjoy your blooms!
It's all very slow here but not so with you Carole. You've many lovely blooms this month of May. As usual, thanks for hosting.
I love seeing all those columbines! I'm doing what I can with a desert-native variety… Happy May 🙂
Oooh, I love those columbines — need to sleuth mine out from the rose bushes they disappeared into. I know they are there, just not easy to access any more… Happy bloom day!
Your beautiful blooms are ahead of mine, Carol, although they changed our zone to 6 — it still acts like 5b here. My grandmother in England called both dianthus and wallflowers 'gillyflowers.'Sometimes she called dianthus 'pinks, so to me wallflowers are gillyflowers. I'm just so happy it's May at last. Thanks for hosting. P. x
I like your bell-shaped clematis blooms, and I just love the Columbines blooming their hearts out each spring. Your May garden is looking very lovely!
Thanks Carol for hosting. Groetjes, Hetty
I just love your combo of bluebells and columbine! I didn't think I had that much blooming, now that the spring bulbs are pretty well gone, but when I looked around, I was surprised. Happy Bloom Day, Carol!
May is my favourite month of the year Carol. I think that it's kind to all our gardens. Your clematises are both beauties but why does one stand upright and the other straggle? Another one of life's mysteries. Thanks as always for hosting.
I always feel like columbine would be hard to grow – don't know why I have that perception – maybe I tried once and failed. It's one of my favorite flowers though! Yours is lovely.
Wow, what a glorious spring you've had indeed. All your blooms are screaming "Spring!!" We've have too much rain this season, so things are coming along slowly or not at all. We gardeners are never happy, are we? 😉
Happy May Bloom Day, Carol. This is your month and your blooms, especially the clematis, are lovely. Looking forward to meeting you next month!
Thanks Carol!
Love the Dianthus. It just shows how planting in mass has such an impact.
Thanks for hosting! I love seeing the gorgeous blooms out there!
That is a gorgeous border of blooms!
Happy GBBD Carol! I learned something from you..I did not know that dianthus were called gillyflowers! Very cute name.
The dark blue clematis is such a beautiful color! And the bluebell bed is lovely.
Carol, It's always a thrill to see your May blooms because it reminds me of what I have to look forward to in June. But I am also thrilled that by mid-May, spring has finally arrived in my Maine garden. Thanks again for hosting. -Jean
I am intrigued by this Clematis integrifolia. I visited a new garden for Bloom Day. Mine has too many flowers. It would take a ton of pictures to post it all.
Happy Bloom Day, thanks for hosting
Happy Bloom Day, thanks for hosting
Such wonderful flowers and photos of them. …. The colors of spring ..
Greetings, Karin
Late again! Love the color of your clematis. Mine is in bloom, as well as my Austins.
Thanks for hosting! http://ladyoflamancha.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/bloom-day-may-2015.html
Like everyone else, I love your Clematis integrifolia – gorgeous colour and shape.
I am a day late posting my blooms this month, but I had so many photos, I didn't know what to do with them all! In the end I decided that I'm going to have to do a separate post for all the Aqulegias. I think I'll have to just pick one flower and photo that next month, instead of trying to post all of them.
It's been awhile, but glad to be here this May GBBD. Thanks for hostessing.
Yael from HomeGardenDiggers blog
I had no idea that Clematis and Columbines were part of the same family! Learned something new, and with that realized that it's not all that strange that I like them both so much. Happy belated Bloom Day!
Wow, I am so late this time…
The Lavender Mountain lily is a new one on me. I'll have to check that one out. So far, I've made even the spreading clematis climb. Just doesn't seem right otherwise…
It's hard to go wrong with clematis and columbine. So many great blooms available. I'm not familiar with the non-vining clematis but it I like the look of the blooms. Glad to see my link posted. I hope I didn't cause a problem with my link. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't showing up right away. Thank you so much for hosting!
Lovely blooms!
Hi, I'm new here, linked by a friend. I hope you enjoy my flowers as much as I've enjoyed yours.
Oh, isn't May the best?! Such loveliness all around. My columbine collection is slowly growing, and I'm enjoying every bit along the way.
I plan to put in at least one clematis this spring, as well, so I guess we're on the same wavelength! I didn't know they were in the same family. I think someday I may have to go take a few horticulture classes, just for fun. 🙂
Take care!
I really like your Columbines. I am missing them in my gardens. I just can't seem to pull the trigger and pick only a few colors!! Thanks for sharing
Everyone has such wonderful gardens going strong! Thank you for hosting.
Thank you for hosting. I enjoyed reading the blogs of other passionate gardeners.
Sad to say I lost most of my first half of May photos in a technological glitch. I was too dispirited to take more pictures.
May really is simply marvelous, isn't it? It's so exciting, because every day something new pops up. I sure do love the merry month of May!