“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” – Elizabeth Lawrence
Here’s what’s blooming at May Dreams Gardens on March 15th.
White Crocuses!
Purple Crocuses!

Buds Count, too! (special March rule!)

And weeds count, too, especially in March…

Leave a comment here to direct us to your blog post on what’s blooming in your garden today! And check out some comments on this post for those who posted early.
I need to remember to start looking for other early spring flowering bulbs to add to those crocuses!
Just returned from the sunshine state
to snow and grey skies so your post helped brighten up my day!Spring has sprung for you ….lucky lady!hugs NG
How long did you have to wait for the bumble bee to show up? or is it another fake, like the butterfuly in 2006?
I can’t wait for my bulbs to pop!! I’m about a week or two behind Indianapolis.
Anxiously awaiting in NW Indiana.
And I have my very first bloom of the season. 🙂
In bloom today in the Netherlands on Bliss:
Crocuses pretty!
Yolanda Elizabet
Hi, Carol,
Your crocus collection is beautiful. Check out what’s blooming in my garden in D.C.
March blooms in Zanthan Gardens. Our drought has caused things to bloom later than usual this year but we had heavy thunderstorms early this week. The next few weeks should be heavenly. And then summer. Ugh!
There is nothing blooming in my garden yet. However there is hope … as things are just poking through the ground. Stop by and see the sedum, the lilies, and the Egyptian Walking Onions.
Lovely crocuses! I don’t have many of those, and they are all gone by now, along with the snowdrops.
I posted pics of flowers in bloom today in Windywillow, Ireland.
Blooming today in my Austin garden: http://www.penick.net/digging. Love your crocuses, Carol!
That’s a rainbow of crocuses!
Please check out the bloom on india garden
You do have a wonderful assortment of crocus, Carol – I miss them.
My post is up now, too. Thank you for rounding up the March flowers!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Another list of blooms from an Austin garden. I’ve only got one picture today — some flowers on my Old Blush rose — but check out yesterday’s post for a view of my old wisteria with about half its buds open.
Hi Carol,
Sorry – I added this comment in the wrong place. I’ll cancel it.
I’ve posted today on what’s blooming on the balcony.
Great pictures–pretty crocus. 🙂 My post is up now, too, and I hope you don’t mind that I took a few liberties with the idea of “bloom.”
LOL Like Kim, I got a little creative with the whole “bloom” part of Bloom Day…anyway, my post is up, and I’m utterly jealous of anyone who has anything other than pussy willow blooming…
Here’s what’s in bloom in northern Virginia. Thank heaven for crocuses! Oh, and I forgot the florist’s azaleas indoors.
Beautiful flowers. We’re getting some too
Here’s what’s going on in Zone 8b!
(I need to learn how to link this correctly without putting in the whole URL!)
I’ll enjoy your crocuses now and mine in a couple of weeks (I hope!) Since I just planted them in the fall I’m not sure how long it will take them once the snow finally melts.
Bloom Day here in Victoria, Au : http://throbbingthumb.blogspot.com/2007/03/bloom-day-march.html
What gorgeous Crocuses! It’s good to see your garden coming to life. I love the bee picture.
I tried to get a bee in my rosemary picture. It took so long that he blood started to leave my digits and one of my eyes stuck shut.
The bee wouldn’t hold still. He was really busy.
So I gave up.
I’m late, but here! You can see mine at Gotta Garden
I’m even later, but it’s still the 15th! Cold Climate Gardening with the obligatory snowdrop picture–and a lot of fog . . .
It is still the 15th in Hawaii and it stopped raining so I went out and selected a few flowers to post for Bloom Day Carol.
A Gardening Year, late as usual! I have a good excuse though. The Cable Guy was here today installing my new cable modem. I have cable TV for the first time! Then I had to go to work.
I’ve posted my list now! Love the variety of crocuses you have.
For more about Hellebores:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2nd Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. It really is spring everywhere, even if just a little bit spring in some places (except Australia where it is fall). I think I’ve visited everyone’s blogs who posted and left a comment, but if I missed you, let me know. No slight intended, just got lost somewhere in all the flowers! And for those just finding out about this, it is never too late to post what’s blooming in your garden on the 15th (or some day close to that). Happy Spring!
You’ve hit a nerve! You can tell everyone’s champing at the bit. Like racehorses waiting for the Sring gate to open.
Hi — I posted my first Bloom Day post at rosemariegarden.blogspot.com.
I’m so glad to have discovered this — it inspired me to return to my nascent garden blog, after almost a year’s absence. Thank you for the wonderful gift of bloom day! My blog is at http://vivesgarden.blogspot.com/
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