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Miniature daffodils are in full bloom. |
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for March 2016.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I have decided Spring is early this year.
To verify this, I went back through all my old bloom day posts – 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. The only year that comes close if you look at flowers blooming around March 15th is 2012.
I also checked the temperature records for past years, including 2012, at least what I recorded, and determined the last frost in 2012 was quite early for us, around April 11th. Normally, we can’t be assured of being frost free until around May 10th and I recall one year we had frost on May 25th.
So what will happen this year? Will we see our last frost in less than a month? Or will we have frost into May. No telling!
And since there is no telling, I’ll just enjoy the blooms as they come because I can’t make them slow down or speed up.
I’ve been enjoying crocuses for weeks, it seems, including these crocuses which looked much better a few days ago before they got rained on all day.

That rain sure beat them down.
The forsythia are blooming, in spite of the rain.

This is the smaller variety ‘Gold Tide’. It’s been a reliable shrub for me, even enduring a couple of moves in the garden.
Normally, I don’t plant violas and pansies in pots until after St. Patrick’s Day.

This year, I planted them up on March 6th when the local grower alerted me they were jumping out of their pots they were so ready.
The hyacinth are blooming ahead of schedule, too.

I can smell them before I see them. This particular variety, plus a white variety, have been returning for years. I don’t know their names, sadly.
Elsewhere in the garden, the Lenten Roses, Hellebores sp. are in full bloom.

I think I’ll hide pink and purple eggs under these in a few weeks.
Would it be wrong to hide white eggs in the garden on Easter?

I guess it would be so I’ll figure out other good hiding places for Easter eggs other than under this Lenten Rose.
I’m sure by the time Easter arrives, there will be plenty of blooms and plenty of hiding places for colored eggs. I look forward to the day.
What’s blooming in your garden as Spring gets underway? Why don’t you join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us?
It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden, then come back here to this post and leave a comment to tell us what you have and put your link on the Mr. Linky widget to make it easy for us to visit.
We welcome everyone!
And remember, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Can I please have some of your rain? Your flowers are lovely.
Woo hoo! Lovely to see all the Spring flowers so early. I don't know what it means for the future of our climate, but I too will enjoy all the blooms while we have them. Thanks for hosting GBBD once again Carol.
How interesting to look back on your garden/weather records. 3 years ago it was still snowing here and I was worried about having to send my daughter to school in April in the compulsory cotton summer dress uniform. This year, were she still at that school, I wouldn't be in the least concerned. The flowers in your garden are lovely – not long now until the Easter eggs appear under them.
Lovely hellebores, especially the white one, but I think you are right. It wouldn't be fair to hide white Easter eggs under it!!!
Spring must be early for you, as this is the first time I can remember us having pretty much the same blooms in March. I hope you will dodge any killing late frosts or freezes, and hopefully the early spring we are all experiencing is not a hint as to what summer might be like. Happy GBBD, and thank you for hosting!
Carol, I am in upstate New York, and it is absolutely amazing. Crocuses are up everywhere. Wild trees have flowers. In a couple of days my crocuses should be blooming. So amazing. I hope we both dodge killing frosts, or a late winter snowstorm. Happy GBBD!
Things are early here too Carol – I see we're fast approaching the time where our 2 gardens are in blooms-synch with each other 🙂
We have pretty much the same blooms on now except my forsythia isn't blooming yet. My Magnolia tree is open. This is definitely early. Happy GBBD.
Beginning a new series of blogs.. a weekly walk through the garden telling all for the next year. This week is 2nd week of March edition. Come walk with me.
Carol can you please send me some rain? My plants will remember you forever. I love the pansies!
I did the same as you Carol and went back looking at dates of bloom in former years. I found 2012 to be a really early season, even a bit more so than this year. Snowdrops are the main thing up in my garden. My Hellebores are showing but nothing to enjoy yet like yours.
Lovely series of flowers. Happy to have discovered another flower meme too.
I have hyacinths, hellabores, and crocus. My daffodils are a late variety, so nothing, there,yet.
It's exciting to get that "Spring fever" rising again. Thanks for this idea. It is delightful to see what others have going in their gardens.
Happy Bloom Day. So you are having a warm spring too All thoughts of frost have left my head for this year so I would be shocked if you had one. Love your hellebores. I have my first ones for this this year and they are blooming at the same time as yours. I guess they are right on cue.
It has certainly been an unpredictable winter as far as temperatures and blooms. My hellebores have been blooming all winter long, and hyacinths and crocus have been emerging since February, with some which are now blooming. Everything is a month ahead of time. Your spring blooms are a delight, and I agree, let's enjoy them whenever they come. Thanks for hosting Carol!
Well you know what they say: everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it! Nevertheless, you have some lovely early spring blooms and thanks for hosting.
Lovely blooms Carol!
Thanks again,
Hi Carol, lovely quintessential spring flowers are blooming in your garden! I think hiding white eggs under white hellebores would be totally fine ;-). Somehow I am also looking very much forward to Easter this year.
I am participating the first time in your lovely meme and I am so glad that I finally did. I garden in San Diego, Southern California and here the roses are just starting to bloom, but many other plants, too. Being out in the garden makes me giddy with joy at this time of the year!
Warm regards,
Our zones are so close (Illinois & Indiana), but your blooms are so far ahead of mine. Thanks for the post and for hosting GBBD
Beautiful post!! Thanks again for hosting!
beautiful blooms and big thanks for hosting! I love GBBD, especially when we have blooms in New England in March!
I love your comment: can't slow them down or speed them up! Like you, I will just enjoy. Happy Bloom Day!
Lovely daffodils! Our weather has also been unpredictable. After a completely dry February (usually our wettest month), we finally got a few rainstorms this March, although nothing like we were led to believe Southern California was due as a by-product of El Nino. Weather forecasters may be getting better but they're no where near accurate yet. Thanks, as always, for hosting GBBD!
You have so many lovely flowers, spring has arrived! We will probably have frost until mid May, so we just enjoy the flowers as they come. The garden is drying out at last, we should be able to get quite a lot of work done this week if the forecast is correct.
You never know how the weather will vary from year to year. Happy Bloom Day.
Spring certainly has arrived early this year and your garden wears it beautifully! Happy new gardening season to you. Ladies and gentlemen, start your rakes!
Spring has sprung a bit early for us in Washington, DC, as well. So grateful for it after the blizzard we had and the last two horrible winters! Evidence: the famous cherry blossoms are coming into peak bloom this weekend – two weeks ahead of schedule. Time to plan your visit to see our gorgeous public gardens and southern charm :-).
Thanks once again for hosting and keeping our passion alive during the 'off season'.
I have to admit to being a fan of early springs…
Hooray! I finally have something to post! Happy Spring. 🙂
Lovely to see your blooms Carol. We're having the warmest spring ever too. I can only think of one other time that spring started this early. Thanks for sponsoring Bloom Day.~~Dee
Your post reminds me of past easter egg hunts in our garden. It's been many years! I should do one again this year, kids or not.
As lovely as the warm weather has been, my inner gardener has been FREAKING OUT. I'm going to be very upset if my cherry tree blooms and gets nailed by a late freeze!
How fun to see your early blooms, and here's to no late freezes so you can get going on the garden earlier this year!
Lovely flowers. I am in zone 5a. So far, I've seen crocuses and snowdrops. Daffodils are not ready yet; maybe in a week or so.
This is my blog: http://alicesgrandadventures.blogspot.com
It hopes not to become compost, lol.
Carol, your flowers are absolutely electric! What gorgeous colors. I'm happy to see your garden in bloom once again, and thank you for hosting. WG
Love those purple hellebores! Spring seems early in the Pacific Northwest too, although we have had record rainfall. So everything is blooming early but quite soggy out.
It's a pink, yellow and blue March in my Portland, OR garden. I love my newly-flowering Acacia pravissima. Such fun little puffs of color!
Thank you for hosting, Carol!
It's surprising how close our bloom times are for some things this year. We had some warm weather that sped things up a couple week ago, but then it cooled back down. My crocus just finished a little over a week ago. They might have lasted longer if the rains hadn't pulverized them. Daffodils are still blooming, but fading. Hellebores look good, but have moved past blooming to sending up new foliage.
It's been a long time since I've participated in Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, but with so many things in bloom so early, how could I not? As usual, you're ahead of us there in Indy. No forsythia or hyacinth blooms here yet.
Stretched the Bloom Day concept a tad this month; not much abloom in my garden, and it's still challenging to get down in the dirt to capture blossoms in pixels. Glad to have been able to participate at all…
Isn't it wonderful to have blooms in the garden in March? I checked my previous years' posts, too, and found I usually had little to nothing in March. You are ahead of us here, but I do have some real blooms to share this year.
Daniel (aka @cityslipper) did a sweet post on his site today and it inspired me to get on over here and share a post on the Garden Blogger Bloom Day Challenge! I hope you'll check out my kitty cam video. Happy Spring fellow bloggers.
Carol, We are also having an early spring in Maine, similar to 2012. The snow is gone from my garden, but I don't have anything in bloom yet. I always seem to be about a month behind you, so all your beautiful blooms give me something to look forward to in April! -Jean
We've had a lot of rain this year, too, and our crocus' look similar to yours. I'm looking forward to less wet weather and beautiful spring flowers. Thank you so much for hosting Bloom Day.
It may be Spring here in Bakersfield, but my summer veggies are beginning to bloom! There are still plenty of spring bulbs and flowers brightening the gardens, and I'm in the midst of creating a large new Cottage Garden in the front yard, to replace 2400 s.f. of lawn. Happy Spring, everyone, and thanks Carol for hosting.
Thank you all for taking the time to share your beautiful blooms. It reminded me to get out in my own garden and enjoy the lovely flowers of March! I feel so refreshed! Thank you May Dreams for hosting this lovely flower show : )
Because I garden is zone 6A in central Ohio, we always seem to have the exact same blooms and weather. My garden blooms for this day are pretty much the same, except that I don't have a forsythia bush!
I agree that 2012 was also an early year, but I've planted a lot more early blooms since then, so there's a lot more blooming!
The classics of spring – just lovely! I don't see any harm in using white eggs under such a pretty hellebore 😉
Our temperatures are rocking between the 70s and 80s here in the desert, so the garden is bursting with flowers…
Well, I went back and reviewed old posts and I have to agree we are really early this year. Fortunately it's snowing again right now, so maybe things will slow down a bit.
We've virtually had no winter here in Central Texas, as I'm sure some of the other commenters have mentioned. I didn't even have a single killing freeze. It was kind of disappointing to have no sweater weather, but hey I'll take all the outside days I can get before the heat comes on. Thanks again for hosting a fun gardening meme!